Our greatest asset in this visioning effort is our community.You have great ideas about where we should be headed. To make sure that we hear all of these ideas, campus leadership invites you to gather together and develop community white papers.

The deadline for submitting a white paper has passed. If you have a question about white papers, please email Academic Futures.

To view and download white papers as a whole, please use this .

Addressing Math Preparedness, Pathways, and Placement for Undergraduate ֲý (Murray)

The author suggests new placement protocols for students in pre-calculus, decreasing the minimum timeframes between math placement exam attempts, and providing study guides for the math placement exam, among other long-term measures, to improve math preparedness among students.

The Case for Increased Emphasis on Internships at CU Boulder (Mark)

The author argues for developing, as a pre-requisite for graduation, an accessible internship curriculum accessible to all students through elective credit or departmental credit, supported by increased funding for unpaid and undercompensated internships to ensure equity for disadvantaged students.

An “institute” approach towards interdisciplinary undergraduate education-An alternative to a “small college” model (Farmer)

The author suggests that a viable mechanism for delivering novel, innovative, cross college academic programs lies in the development of Institutes for Undergraduate Education that deliver innovative programs using existing faculty in partnerships with extant colleges and departments.

Engaging Transfer ֲý: Institutional Support, Challenges, and Recommendations (Roberts & Welsh)

The authors raise the question of where transfer students experience barriers to academic success and belonging at CU Boulder and prompt discussion about what actions can be taken to support students as they face these challenges.

A Case for Investing in and Centralizing Distance/Online/MOOC Education on Main Campus (McClanahan)

The author calls for the comprehensive investment in distance/online/on-demand educational offerings at CU Boulder.

Ideas On a Structure for Managing/Defining/Marketing Online Education (Draper)

The author makes a case for a unified platform for, and leadership of, the university’s online education offerings.

Future-casting CU Boulder as the First Public University that Hacks the Academy (Berk, Greenstein, Karas, Moran)

The authors propose a series of measures to “hack” the campus’s existing educational structures to achieve reform, restructuring, entrepreneurship and to move the university toward a “hybrid” academy that “thrives in the face of globalism, ambiguity, and acceleration.”

Addressing the Growing Needs of First-Year ֲý (Oliveras)

The author suggests that CU Boulder can best address the growing needs of its first-year students via Residential Academic Programs and greater support for the faculty who staff them.

Digital Asset Management at the ֲý Boulder (Paul, Sampson, Scholnick)

The authors call for greater expansion and coordination of CU’s digital asset management via its Collections Management Group and other shared resources and platforms.

Graduate Student Pay (McKenzie)

The author calls for CU Boulder to pay graduate students a living wage for the Boulder market so as to attract and retain talented and diverse students.
