Amy Palmer

  • Lights, Cells, Action! One of the best ways to really see something is to turn on the lights. Amy Palmer, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Biofrontiers Institute faculty member, is the kind of professor
  • Amy Palmer
    Amy Palmer could have been a writer, a gymnastics coach, a Russian language expert or a competitive swimmer. Lucky for us, she is a scientist that is changing the way we see salmonella bacteria and what we know about the effects of metals on the
  • Amy Palmer is a CIMB faculty member. She recently won an award from the National Science Foundation for her work on the salmonella bacteria.
    Five questions for Amy PalmerOne of Amy Palmer's life goals is to encourage everyone around her to find learning fascinating. Her passion for science is infectious, and the ways in which she explains complicated processes makes you question the
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