2017 Distinguished Alumni Lifetime Service Award RecipientSteve Bosley

What is your favorite memory from being a CU student?
Since I was married with two children and working full-time when I was a student, many of my classes took place in the evening on the CU Denver campus. One of the best parts about my evening classes is that they were taught by industry professionals. My economics class took place in the summer and was held on Friday nights. Many students were 18 and fresh out of high school, prompting me to be known as “the old man” (at the age of 24) who kept “ruining the curve.” I remember one Friday evening after a holiday break, I was the only student who showed up to class, so I had a great evening becoming acquainted with the professor. To this day, we have maintained that friendship. Another one of my greatest memories was the graduation ceremony at Folsom Field in 1968!

What is one piece of advice that you have taken with you in the workplace and as a Regent?
For several years, I was fortunate enough to present leadership lectures to the students in many of Leeds’ leadership classes, as well as multiple organizations including NROTC and ATROTC. When I present, I always open with the line “our country is experiencing a breakdown in moral courage,” which sets the stage for my favorite piece of advice: “success is doing the right thing over time.” I strongly believe that you have to do the right thing no matter how tough it is. To this day, this advice has never failed me. In fact, it has played a large part in the creation of my success.

As a founder of the Bolder Boulder 10k race, what is the best costume you have seen on the course?
While we don't encourage costumes, I have seen some creative and inspirational costumes. My favorite was a person running in a full body, very realistic-looking gorilla costume. They carried an American flag with them for the whole race.

You have a deep commitment and service to higher education and CU. If there was one thing that alumni could do today to become more involved, what would you suggest?
CU has massive impact on so many fronts; too many to really keep track of! With just a bit of research, every one of us can find areas and organizations to relate to and identify opportunities to get involved with them. I challenge every alumni to start investing in CU, with your money and/or time. You will receive a bigger reward than you are giving. ​

To nominate yourself or a fellow Leeds alumnus or alumna to be in an upcoming alumni newsletter, email LeedsSuccess@colorado.edu.

November 2017