MBA Blog

Tendril's CEO & CFO on Workplace Culture

March 12, 2018

The Women in Business club hosted a discussion on C-Level decisions. We got to participate in a candid discussion with Tendril executives Adrian Tuck (CEO) and Amy Marmoleio (CFO) on managing workplace culture and gender dynamics. They shared challenges, stories, and ideas for creating an inclusive culture. Tendril delivers end-to-end...

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Leeds Women’s Council Afternoon Tea

March 9, 2018

We had the opportunity to network with an impressive group of women last Thursday, March 1 st at the Boulder Dushanbe Tea House. Our Women in Business club partnered with the Leeds Women’s Council to host an event bringing C-suite level women together with students for an afternoon of networking...

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Interdisciplinary Ethics Tech Competition

March 9, 2018

The first place team included second year MBA student Colette Crouse (3rd from left) On Saturday, February 10 th , 16 teams of ֲý graduate level students participated in a case competition that spanned multiple graduate level programs. The problem focused on ‘fake news’ and an online platform’s...

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Thursday Night Out Marketing Panel

March 8, 2018

Our Marketing Club partnered with the Alumni network to host a networking night in conjunction with our normal Thursday Night Out. We had over fifty attendees at FATE Brewery to learn more about current marketing trends. Our talented group of panelists included: Chris Deardorff, Leeds alum, CEO and Founder of...

MBA Blog Brand Management Panel

Marketing & O+N Brand Management Panel

Feb. 28, 2018

On February 13, the Marketing and Organics + Naturals clubs co-hosted a panel on Brand Management. Panelists included Jacqueline Claudia, Sylvia Tawse, and Paul Repetto. Jacqueline founded Love the Wild , a company dedicated to sustainable and responsible aquaculture. Based in Boulder, Love the Wild sources fish from highly regarded...

South Denver MBA

South Denver Campus: Interview with Emily Bloedel

Feb. 27, 2018

I had the opportunity to interview Emily, an evening MBA student at the South Denver campus. Please tell me a little about your background: My undergraduate degree is in Japanese Language and Literature from CU Boulder (2009). From there, I went straight into law school at DU. I practiced law...

MS Blog Dual Degree

Dual Degree — MBA and Theatre Masters (MBA/MA)

Feb. 19, 2018

What type of graduate program are you pursuing at CU? I am doing a dual degree Masters in Theatre and Business Administration aka MBA/MA. The theatre calls it the MA/MBA and the business school calls it the MBA/MA. What is the program schedule like? Other than pure insanity? It is...

MBA Program Considerations

How to Choose an MBA Program

Feb. 16, 2018

There are a million different factors to consider when selecting an MBA program ; each person is going to weigh these criteria differently depending on their personal circumstances. However, a few key criteria are applicable to everyone when looking at various programs. Location . Is the program located somewhere you...

MBA class president

MBAA President Profile-Alicia Hines

Feb. 11, 2018

I had the opportunity to interview our MBA Association President, Alicia Hines, to learn more about why she chose Leeds, what she has done during her time here, and what types of responsibilities go along with the role of class president. What made you choose Leeds for your MBA? I...



Feb. 7, 2018

Both Boulder and the ֲý are well-known for their efforts around sustainability. I knew this when I moved here, but a few details caught me by surprise. CU and Sustainability The ֲý has been a leader in sustainability, climate and energy research, and “green” practices; this...
