Published: Oct. 27, 2020

B-school will never look the same.Ìý

In the years leading up to coronavirus outbreak, business schools faced their fair share of challenges.ÌýMBA applicationsÌýwere downÌýat many schools, and some questioned the value of two-year MBA programs that pulled people out of the workforce during a thriving economy.ÌýÌý

Then the pandemic hit, causing the most dramatic disruption in the history of higher education. COVID-19 forced us to reassess the traditionalÌýbusinessÌýschool experience. It turned our teaching model onÌýitsÌýhead,ÌýrevampedÌýcurriculaÌýandÌýchallenged how we do admissions.ÌýÌý

Some educators believe we are entering a decade-long remake of business education. If so, what will business school look like post-COVID-19?ÌýÌý

Here are a few predictions.Ìý

Course delivery will transformÌý
Virtual learning won’t take overÌýin-person classesÌýin most cases. But going forward, business schools have no choice but to embraceÌýremoteÌýlearning and offer more of it.ÌýThese adaptations will need to be made while predicting tuition revenues, whichÌýis also more challenging. Unfortunately, this means that schoolsÌýthat areÌýalready strugglingÌýfinanciallyÌýto surviveÌýmight not make it.ÌýÌý

Instructors willÌýhave to continue toÌýlearn how to maximize the potential of new technology,ÌýbalancingÌýremote instruction withÌýin-person experiences.ÌýSuccessfulÌýfaculty will develop engaging virtual classes withÌýsynchronous activities thatÌýactivateÌýstudents’ critical thinking and analytical skills.Ìý

Meanwhile,ÌýweÌýwillÌýneed toÌýfind new ways to help students reap the benefits ofÌýaÌýtraditional in-personÌýbusinessÌýeducation—buildingÌýaÌýnetwork, findingÌýaÌýjob, connecting withÌýaÌýmentor and gaining funding forÌýaÌýstartup. Accessing these elements of a business school education flexibly—either inÌýperson or virtually—will become key.ÌýÌýNew technologiesÌýthatÌýare emerging will allow for more natural, unstilted interactions between instructors and students, potential employers and job seekers, andÌýclassmates.ÌýÌý

International studentsÌýwillÌýdeclineÌýÌý
U.S. immigration policiesÌýhadÌýalreadyÌýbegun to curbÌýinterest from international students before COVID-19, but now there’s the added risk of traveling and crossing borders. TheÌýconvergenceÌýofÌýtheseÌýfactors could change the makeup of future classes,Ìýshifting them toÌýlook more likeÌýthey did 20 years ago when there were fewer international students.ÌýÌý
Despite current challenges, there is reason toÌýhopeÌýthat the development of an effective vaccineÌýand greater therapeutics canÌýtogetherÌýhelp toÌýreverse this trend.ÌýAdditionally,Ìýimmigration policies may receive renewed attention in the wake of this year’sÌýelections.Ìý

Curricula will beÌýrevampedÌý
Business schools are overhaulingÌýcurriculaÌýand the student experienceÌýto meet the demand for new insights and skills that the post-COVID-19Ìýworld will require. Ìý
Shortly after theÌýcoronavirus reached the U.S., schools began launching courses, seminars and workshopsÌýon leadership in a time of crisis—exploring risk management, what strong leadership in a pandemic looks like,Ìýand whether conventional leadership approaches will work at a time like this.Ìý

ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ are showing fresh interest in economic sectors the coronavirus has impacted, such as life sciences and healthcare management. They want to know more about how vaccines are developed and brought to market, showing the same kind of excitement as in the past for financial derivatives.ÌýÌý

Additionally, courses on supply chain managementÌýare in greater demand,Ìýwith special interest in topics related toÌýreducingÌýthe risk of disruption, managingÌýdrug supply scarcity, diversify sourcing, and findingÌýan equilibrium between efficiency and resilience.ÌýÌý

Future curricula will continue to focus on the wider societal demands on business such as climate change and diversity—a fundamental shift already underway but elevated by COVID-19.Ìý

Admissions will meet challenges and opportunitiesÌý
A silver lining of the pandemicÌýmay be theÌýopportunityÌýto rethink how we do things, and admissions is one of them. Ìý

University programsÌýhad begunÌýtoÌýreconsiderÌýtesting requirements in recent years, and the pandemic is acceleratingÌýthis trend. After testing centers shut down last spring, many graduate business programs waived the GMAT requirement andÌýplan to waive itÌýagain next year. Meanwhile, more and more undergraduate business programs have made the SAT/ACT optional.ÌýTime will tell if these changes become permanent.Ìý

Also, for the next few years,Ìýit will beÌývery difficultÌýto compare one student’s grades to another’s, given the uneven response of schools to the pandemic, disparities in internet accessibilityÌýneeded forÌýremote learning, and shifts in familial responsibilities. We will need to come up with ways to consider an applicant’s grades in context and weigh them accordingly.ÌýÌý

New areas of assessment willÌýbegin to emerge. Soft skillsÌýand attributesÌýincluding self-awareness, curiosity, diligence, social awareness, integrity and ethics are correlated with high engagement in college, which is a strong predictor of future career success.ÌýBusiness schools will create new ways to measure these aptitudes and integrate them into the admissions process.ÌýTacticsÌýmight take the form of short online interviews, video prompts, or evaluation of samples of writing, music and art.Ìý

As business schoolsÌýdevelopÌýstudents to becomeÌýresilientÌýleaders who can effectively manage changeÌýduring uncertain and unprecedented times,ÌýweÌýneed toÌýlead by example.ÌýÌý

WithÌýcountless uncertainties before us,Ìýthe pandemicÌýprovides anÌýopportunityÌýto reimagineÌýbusiness education and make changesÌýto ensure that we are preparing our students to positively transformÌýthe future of business.Ìý