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Journal of American Water Resources Association Article Published

an image of a power point in the article of the steps in a Robust Decision Making (RDM) analysis

"Decision Science Can Help Address the Challenges of Long-Term Planning in the Colorado River Basin" published in the Journal of Amercian Water Resources Association (JAWRA) January 22, 2022. Co-authored by Rebecca Smith, Edith Zagona, Joseph Kasprzyk, Nathan Bonham, Elliot Alexander, Alan Butler, James Prairie, Carly Jerla

Water managers commonly encounter uncertainty, which is any deviation from complete knowledge about the past, present, or future. Uncertainty plays a role in operations and decision making at all geographic and temporal scales, but it becomes increasingly challenging as the scale of a system increases, the time horizon extends, or the duration or scope of impacts of the necessary decisions expands.The Colorado River Basin is complex, critically important, and must contend with deep uncertainty in its long-term planning. Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) is a branch of decision science devoted to developing planning approaches that can address these challenges.

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