Journal Articles

Martin P. Hoerling, Jon K. Eischeid, Henry F. Diaz, Balaji Rajagopalan, and Eric Kuhn (2024) “Critical Effects of Precipitation on Future Colorado River FlowJournal of Climate, April 19, 2024 ().

Woodson, D, Rajagopalan, B., Zagona, E., (2024). "Long-Lead Forecasting of Runoff Season Flows in the Colorado River Basin Using a Random Forest Approach" Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150, No. 4, January 31, 2024 (

Bonham, N., Kasprzyk, J., Zagona, E., Smith, R. (2023). "Interactive and Multimetric Robustness Tradeoffs in the Colorado River Basin" Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150, No. 3, December 30, 2023 (

Bonham, N., Kasprzyk, J., Zagona, E., & Rajagopalan, B. (2023). "Subsampling and space-filling metrics to test ensemble size for robustness analysis with a demonstration in the Colorado River Basin,"Environmental Modelling & Software, 2023, 105933, (ISSN 1364-8152, (

Bonham, N., Kasprzyk, J. and Zagona, E. (2022). "post-MORDM: Mapping Policies to Synthesize Optimization and Robustness Results for Decision-maker Compromise," Environmental Modelling & Software, 157, November 2022, 105491, (

Thapa, S., Magee, T., and Zagona, E. (2022). "Factors That Affect Hydropower Flexibility," Water2022,14(16), [Special Issue: Feature Papers of Water-Energy Nexus], 20 August 2022 (

Magee, T, Turner, S, Clement, M., Oikonomou, K., Zagona, E., and Voisin, N. (2022) "Evaluating Power Grid Model Hydropower Feasibility with a River Operations Model" IOP Environmental Research Letters, 08 August, 2022, (

Wheeler, K., Jeuland, M., Strzepek, K., Hall, J., Zagona, E., Abdo, G., Basson, T., Blackmore, D., Block, P., & Whittington, D., (2022) "Comment on "Egypt's water budget deficit and suggested mitigation policies for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam filling scenarios," IOP Science, Environmental Research Letters, 5 August, 2022 (

Baker, S. A., Wood, A. W., Rajagopalan, B., Prairie, J., Jerla, C., Zagona, E., Butler, R. A., Smith, R. (2022). "The Colorado River Basin Operational Prediction Testbed: A Framework for Evaluating Streamflow Forecasts and Reservoir Operations," Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 29 June 2022 (

Smith, R., Zagona, E., Kasprzyk, J., Bonham, Alexander, E., Butler, A., Prairie, J. & Jerla, C. (2022). "Decision Science Can Help Address the Challenges of Long-Term Planning in the Colorado River Basin," Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 22 January 2022 (

Woodson, D., Rajagopalan, B., Baker, S., Smith, R., Prairie, J., Towler, E., Ge, M. & Zagona, E. (2021). "Stochastic Decadal Projections of Colorado River Streamflow and Reservoir Pool Elevations Conditioned on Temperature Projections,"Water Resources Research, 57 (12),

Wheeler, K.G., Jeuland, M., Hall, J.W., Zagona, E.A., & Whittington, D. (2020). “Understanding and Managing New Risks on the Nile with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam,” Nature Communications, 11, 5222.

Basheer, M., Wheeler, K.G., Elagib, N.A., Etichia, M., Zagona, E.A., Abdo, G.M., & Harou, J.J. (2020), “Filling Africa’s Largest Hydropower Dam Should Consider Engineering Realities,” One Earth, [Commentary] Volume 3, Issue 3, 18 September 2020, 277–281. DOI:

Rajagopalan, B., Erkyihun, S., Lall, U., Zagona, E., & Nowak, K., (2019), “A Nonlinear Dynamical Systems-Based Modeling Approach for Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow and Understanding Predictability,” AGU Water Resources Research 55.

Baker, S., Wood, A., Rajagopalan, B., (2019), “,” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 08 April 2019  (ٳٱ://Ǿ.ǰ/10.1111/1752-1688.12746).

Smith, R., Kasprzyk, J., Basekas, L.,(2018), “Experimenting with Water Supply Planning Objectives Using the Eldorado Utility Planning Model Multireservior Testbed,” ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Volume 144, Issue 8 (

Basheer, M., Wheeler, K., Ribbe, L., Majdalawi, M., Abdo, G., & Zagona, E. (2018), “Quantifying and Evaluating the Impacts of Cooperation in Transboundary River Basins on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The Blue Nile Basin,” Science of The Total Environment, Volume 630 (15 July 2018), 1309–1323, ISSN 0048-9697, (

Wheeler, K. G., J. W. Hall, G. M. Abdo, S. J. Dadson, J. R. Kasprzyk, R. Smith, and E. A. Zagona, (2018), “Exploring Cooperative Transboundary River Management Strategies for the Eastern Nile Basin,” Water Resources Research, 54, 9224–9254. (

Erkyihun S.T., Zagona, E., & Rajagopalan, B. (2017), “Wavelet and Hidden Markov-Based Stochastic Simulation Methods Comparison on Colorado River Streamflow,” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 2017, 22(9): 04017033 1–12, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001538. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Witt, A., Magee, T., Stewart, K., Hadjerioua, B., Neumann, D., Zagona, E., & Politano, M. (2017), “Development and Implementation of an Optimization Model for Hydropower and Total Dissolved Gas in the Mid-Columbia River System,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Published online 10 August, 04017063 1–15, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000827. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Erkyihun, S.E., Rajagopalan, B., Zagona, E., Lall, U. & Nowak, K. (2016), “Wavelet-based Time Series Bootstrap Model for Multidecadal Streamflow Simulation Using Climate Indicators,” Water Resources Research, 52, 4061–4077, doi:10.1002/2016WR018696.

Wheeler, K.G., Basheer, M., Mekonnen, Z. T., Eltoum, S. O., Mersha, A., Abdo, G. M., Zagona, E. A., Hall, J. W.,  & Dadson, S. J. (2016), “Cooperative Filling Approaches for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam,” Water International, Published online 11 May, DOI:10.1080/02508060.2016.1177698.

Yanto, Rajagopalan, B. & Zagona, E. (2016), “Space-time Variability of Indonesian Rainfall at Inter-annual and Multi-decadal Time Scales,” Climate Dynamics, 1–15, DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-3008-8.

Brown, C. M., J. R. Lund, X. Cai, P. M. Reed, E. A. Zagona, A. Ostfeld, J. Hall, G. W. Characklis, W. Yu, & L. Brekke (2015), “The Future of Water Resources Systems Analysis: Toward a Scientific Framework for Sustainable Water Management,” Water Resources Research, 51, DOI 10.1002/2015WR017114.

Smith, R., J. Kasprzyk, and E. Zagona (2015), “Many-Objective Analysis to Optimize Pumping and Releases in Multireservoir Water Supply Network,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 04015049 1–14, DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000576.

Bracken, C., B. Rajagopalan, and E. Zagona (2014), “A Hidden Markov Model Combined with Climate Indices for Multi-decadal Streamflow Simulation,” Water Resources Research, 50, 7836–7846.

Ibanez, E., T. Magee, M. Clement, G. Brinkman, M. Milligan, and E. Zagona (2014), “Enhancing Hydropower Modeling in Variable Generation Integration Studies,” Energy, 74 (2014), 518–528.

Clement, M., T. Magee, and E. Zagona, (2014), “A Methodology to Assess the Value of Integrated Hydropower and Wind Generation,” Wind Engineering, 38 (3), 261–276.

Miller, W., R. Butler, T. Piechota, J. Prairie, K. Grantz, and G. DeRosa, (2012), “Water Management Decisions Using Multiple Hydrologic Models within the San Juan River Basin under Changing Climate Conditions,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 138 (5), 412–420.

Nowak, K., M. Hoerling, B. Rajagopalan, and E. Zagona (2012), “Colorado River Basin Hydroclimatic Variability,” Journal of Climate, 25 (2), 4389–4403.

Magee, T., M. Clement, and E. Zagona (2011) “RiverWare Model Development for Integrated Hydropower and Wind Generation Analysis on the Columbia Basin,” ֲý Final Report to UT Battelle under subcontract 4000097293. December 20, 2011.

Nowak, K., B. Rajagopalan and E. Zagona (2011), “Wavelet Auto-Regressive Method (WARM) for multi-site streamflow simulation of data with non-stationary spectra,” Journal of Hydrology, 410 (1-2) 1–12.

Regonda, Satish Kumar., E. Zagona and B. Rajagopalan (2011), “Prototype Decision Support System for Operations on the Gunnison Basin with Improved Forecasts,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 137 (5).

Bracken, C., B. Rajagopalan, and J. Prairie (2010), “A Multisite Seasonal Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting Technique,” Water Resources Research, 46.

Nowak, K., J. Prairie, B. Rajagopalan, and U. Lall (2010), “A Non-parametric Stochastic Approach for Multisite Disaggregation of Annual to Daily Streamflow,” Water Resources Research, 46.

Valerio, A., H. Rajaram and E. Zagona (2010), “Incorporating groundwater-surface water interaction into river management models,” Ground Water, 48 (5): 661–673.

Barsugli, J. J., K. Nowak, B. Rajagopalan, J. R. Prairie, and B. Harding (2009), Comment on “When will Lake Mead go dry?” by T. P. Barnett and D. W. Pierce, Water Resources Research, 45.

Rajagopalan, B., K. Nowak, J. Prairie, M. Hoerling, B. Harding, J. Barsugli, A. Ray, and B. Udall (2009), “Water supply risk on the Colorado River: Can management mitigate?,” Water Resources Research, 45.

Prairie, J., K. Nowak, B. Rajagopalan, U. Lall, and T. Fulp, (2008), “A Stochastic Nonparametric Approach for Streamflow Generation Combining Observational and Paleo Reconstructed Data,” Water Resources Research, 44.

Grantz, K., B. Rajagopalan, M. Clark, and E. Zagona (2007), “Seasonal Shifts in the North American Monsoon,” Journal of Climate, 20(9): 1923–1935.

Grantz, K., B. Rajagopalan, E. Zagona, and M. Clark (2007), “Water Management Applications of Climate-Based Hydrologic Forecasts: Case Study of the Truckee-Carson River Basin, Nevada,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 133 (4): 339–350.

Prairie, J. R. and B. Rajagopalan (2007), “A Basin Wide Stochastic Salinity Model,” Journal of Hydrology, 344 (1-2): 43–54.

Wheeler, K.G. J. Pitt, T. M. Magee and D. F. Luecke (2007), “Alternatives for Restoring the Colorado River Delta,” Natural Resources Journal, 47(4): 917–967.

Carron, J., E. Zagona, and T. Fulp (2006), “Modeling Uncertainty in an Object-Oriented Reservoir Operations Model,” Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, 132 (2): 104–111.

Frevert, D., T. Fulp, E. Zagona, G. Leavesley, and Harry Lins (2006), “The Watershed and River Systems Management Program—An Overview of Capabilities,” Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, 132(2): 92–97.

Neumann, D., E. Zagona and B. Rajagopalan (2006),“ A Decision Support System to Manage Summer Stream Temperatures,” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, AWRA 42(5):1275–1284.

Prairie, J., B. Rajaopalan, T. Fulp, and E. Zagona (2006), “Modified K-NN Model for Stochastic Streamflow Simulation,” Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 11(4): 371–378.

Prairie, J., B. Rajagopalan, and U. Lall (2006), “A Stochastic Nonparametric Technique for Space-time Disaggregation of Streamflows,” Water Resources Research, 43(3).

Regonda, Satish Kumar., B. Rajagopalan, M. Clark, and E. Zagona (2006), “A Multimodel Ensemble Forecast Framework: Application to Spring Seasonal Flows in the Gunnison River Basin,” Water Resources Research, 42.

Regonda, Satish Kumar., B. Rajagopalan, and M. Clark (2006), “A New Method to Produce Categorical Streamflow Forecast,” Water Resources Research, 42.

Grantz, Katrina, Balaji Rajagopalan, Martyn Clark, and Edith A. Zagona (2005), “A Technique for Incorporating Large-Scale Climate Information in Basin-Scale Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts,” Water Resources Research, 41(10), 2005.

Prairie, James R., Balaji Rajagopalan, Terrance J. Fulp, Edith A Zagona (2005), “Statistical Nonparametric Model for Natural Salt Estimation,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, 131(1):130–138.

Regonda, Satish Kumar, Balaji Rajagopalan, U. Lall, Martyn Clark, Y.-I. Moon (2005), “Local Polynomial Method for Ensemble Forecast of Time Series,” Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12:397–406.

Regonda, Satish Kumar, Balaji Rajagopalan, Martyn Clark, John Pitlick (2005), “Seasonal Cycle Shifts in Hydroclimatology over the Western United States,” Journal of Climate, 18, 372–384.

Neumann, D., B. Rajagopalan, and E. Zagona (2003), “Regression Model for Daily Maximum Stream Temperature,” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE 129(7): 659–666.

Carron, J. and H. Ragaram (2001), “Impact of Variable Reservoir Releases on Management of Downstream Water Temperatures,” Water Resources Research, AGU 37(6):1733.

Eschenbach, E., T. Magee, E. Zagona, M. Goranflo, and R. Shane (2001), “Goal Programming Decision Support System for Multiobjective Operation of Reservoir Systems,” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE 127(2):108–120.

Zagona, E., T. Fulp, R. Shane, T. Magee, and H. Goranflo (2001), “RiverWare: A Generalized Tool for Complex Reservoir Systems Modeling,” Journal of the American Water Resources Association, AWRA 37(4):913–929.

Zigurs, I., R. Reitsma, C. Lewis, R. Hubscher, and C. Hayes (1999), “Access and Control of Computer-based Simulation Models in Inherently Conflict-Laden Negotiations,” Group Negotiation and Decision Making, 8:511–533.

Kim, K.S. and Chapra, S.C.(1997), “Temperature Model for Highly Transient Shallow Streams,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE 123(1):30–40.

Reitsma R.F. and J.C. Carron (1997), “Object-oriented Simulation and Evaluation of River Basin Operations,” Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis, 1(1):9–24.

Reitsma, R.F. (1996), “Structure and Support of Water-resources Management and Decision-making,” Journal of Hydrology, 177(1):253–268.

Reitsma, R., I. Zigurs, C. Lewis, A. Sloane and V. Wilson (1996), “Experiment with Simulation Models in Water Resources Negotiations,” Journal of Water Resources Management and Planning, ASCE 122:64–70.

Runkel, R.L., K.E. Bencala, R.E. Broshears, and S.C. Chapra (1996), “Reactive Solute Transport in Small Streams: I. Development of an Equilibrium-Based Simulation Model,” Water Resources Research, AGU 32(2):409–418.

Runkel, R.L., K.E. Bencala, R.E. Broshears, and S.C. Chapra (1996), “Reactive Solute Transport in Small Streams: II. Stimulation of a pH-modification Experiment,” Water Resources Research, AGU 32(2):419–430.

Shane, R.M., E.A. Zagona, D. McIntosh, T. Fulp, and H.M. Goranflo (1996), “Project Object,” Civil Engineering, ASCE 61–63.