
  • Outreach Program Manager & Career Advisor

Neda is a Colorado local who is passionate about community engagement and its potential to initiate sustainable community change. She has worked in a variety of fields and jobs ranging from youth leadership programs, higher education, and training and facilitation of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion content. Trained in Community Organizing and Sustained Dialogue, she looks for opportunities, events, and programming focused on elevating voices and stories that move folks to action. As a professional facilitator, Neda seeks to build creative spaces for people to bring pieces of their stories in conversation with others. She believes there is immense power in our lived experiences and that well-facilitated dialogues can be places for meaning-making and creativity as we listen to stories that just might expand our worldviews.

Neda is joining the CU Boulder community as the Outreach Program Manager where she focuses on strategic direction and implementation of career outreach and programming for all non-academic departments and student groups at CU. Her work centers on making career conversations, resources, and spaces more accessible and relevant to students from diverse backgrounds, especially focused on our historically underrepresented communities in career development initiatives. Neda graduated from the University of Denver with a double major in Communication Studies and Religious Studies, and earned her Masters in Communication Studies. Between her studies, Neda worked in college access and youth leadership programs with focuses on social and environmental justice. She believes there is immense power in our youth and that their voices and perspectives are not only important, but critical in any social movement. Neda spent time working in Community Outreach with a local foundation called Philanthropiece, and focused on Immigrant Rights, Climate Justice, and Indigenous Rights. Neda has coordinated events and outreach at the Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning, an organization that serves immigrants and refugees through intercultural learning programs and services. Neda is an avid podcast listener, travel enthusiast, and spoken word fanatic.