Published: Feb. 24, 2014

On Tuesday, February 4, students and faculty, undeterred by the freezing temperatures and blowing snow, gathered at The Sink for the first Asian Studies Meet & Greet. Participants talked long into the evening over plenteous supplies of chips and salsa, cheesy bread, and pizza. Conversations ranged from shared experiences in the language classroom, stories of time spent abroad, and post-graduation plans.

The highlight of the evening came when CAS Associate Director Tim Weston brought the group together to discuss the Asian Studies minor and to welcome each participant to introduce him or herself. While there was only one Asian Studies major in attendance, there were around fifteen other students who came because they were interested in being connected to an Asian Studies community on campus. Reflecting the regional diversity that is inherent in Asian Studies, there were students there who were interested in China, India, the Middle East, and more. They came from such departments as Asian Languages and Civilizations, Asian Studies, Business, Economics, Hebrew, History, and International Affairs. They had the opportunity to meet each other as well as with faculty members from History and Geography, as well as two graduate students who shared interests with many of the undergraduates in attendance.

Whether they conversed with friends or met new acquaintances, students and faculty all reported enjoying the event. When we are each involved in our own departments and in our own areas of interest, it is at times difficult to meet others who share a similar interest in Asia as a region, though they may study a different region of Asia or use a different methodological lens with which to approach their studies. This informal gathering was a chance for students and faculty alike to meet those who not only have a mutual interest in Asia but, perhaps more significantly, who have a true desire to integrate an international perspective into their careers and to see such a perspective be increasingly incorporated into our broader cultural and social consciousness.

We anticipate holding a Meet & Greet event every semester, and we warmly welcome all students and faculty members who have an interest in Asia to join us next fall.Â