Published: Oct. 1, 2014

The Center for Asian Studies is working with the Department of Anthropology to bring what promises to be an engaging Brown Bag talk, "Reducing Elephant Ivory and Rhino Horn Trade in China: News from the Front Lines," this Friday, October 2, at 12:00 p.m. in Hale 450. Featuring Grace Ge Gabriel, Asia Regional Director, International Fund for Animal Welfare, this talk discusses the efforts made to reduce ivory and rhino horn trade in China. To mitigate the threats global wildlife trade has on biodiversity loss, a comprehensive approach is needed to address every link on the trade chain, from poaching to trafficking to demand. Highlighting the successes and challenges of campaigns to reduce the trade in endangered species in China, Gabriel argues for behavior change communication strategies to reduce both the supply of and the demand for wildlife parts and products. To reduce supply required strengthened international and national laws and policies. To reduce demand needs public outreach campaigns to increase consumer knowledge, shift attitudes and change behavior.

Gabriel has been leading wildlife conservation and animal welfare campaigns for the International Fund for Animal Welfare () in China since 1997. Under her leadership, IFAW's campaigns to reduce commercial exploitation of wildlife have resulted in enhanced policies to make marketplaces unavailable for wildlife trade, increased law enforcement against wildlife crime, and changed consumer attitudes and behavior to reject parts and products from endangered wildlife. A native of China, Grace received degrees in Communications and worked in media outlets both in China and the USA.

We encourage you to bring your lunch and join us for this Anthropology Brown Bag Series event.

Ivory Trade