Published: Feb. 15, 2016

Mingsheng Xu, a current visiting scholar at CAS, will present our next Luncheon Series event, "The Innovation of the Daoist Pantheon: From the 1st Century to the 13th Century."

It took a long time for Daoism to establish a systematic and consolidated pantheon, and this process lasted from the Han Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty. Although the Daoist pantheon is complicated, we can still trace the innovation of it through the Daoist scriptures at different historical periods. From this innovation, we can discover some characteristics of Daoism religion which constitute the important basis of Chinese traditional beliefs.

Dr. Xu's talk will begin at 12:00 p.m. and will be held in the CAS Conference Room at 1424 Broadway, two doors north of Starbucks on University and Broadway. Lunch will be provided for attendees.