Published: Sept. 25, 2017

CAS is pleased to partner with the Shoyeido Incense Company to present"Koh: Appreciation of Incense" this Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.! Masataka Hata, president of Shoyeido Incense Co., will be joining us from Kyoto, Japan todeliver a lecture discussing the history and cultural practice of Japanese incense and then give a short demonstration of “listening” to several varieties of Japanese incense. Mr. Hata will be joined by incense specialist and author of the highly acclaimedThe Book of Incense: Enjoying the Traditional Art of Japanese Scents, Dr. Kiyoko Morita, and Kosukue Masuda of US Shoyeido in Boulder!

Masataka Hata is the president of Shoyeido Incense Company. Mr. Hata was born in Kyoto in 1954. After graduating from the Faculty of Commerce at Doshisha University, he studied in England for one year. In 1977 he joined Shoyeido and is currently the president of the company.

He has studiedKōdō (Incense Ceremony) under Mr. Sogen Hachiya, the grand master of the Shino School of Incense, as well as a member of the board of directors of the Shino School, Shoin-kai, and a lecturer at Doshisha Women’s College. He is a member of the Kyoto Prefectural Board of Education."

Mr. Hata was presented the first distinguished member award from the Japan Society of Boston in 1997, and was awarded the 12thJohn E. Thayer Award in 2004, in recognition of his 20 years of service of sharing incense programs and promoting friendly relations between the United States and Japan. He has been introducing traditional Japanese incense at high schools and colleges every year since 1986.

This event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required due to limited capacity. Please emailliza.williams@colorado.eduwith the names of each member of your party. We will respond to confirm your attendance. ֲý please include your affiliated department. First come, first served.