Published: Aug. 31, 2021

September 16 | 7:00am MDT | 2:00pm BST | 9:00pm China | Online
This event is Part 4 of the Young China Watchers and SupChina summer event series looking at China-focused career paths and the best ways of pursuing them.

At this event, we will hear from several speakers that are currently working at and running think tanks across the world. They will share about what it means to be working at a think tank, what steps you can and should take to move your career in that direction, and how China skills can be best utilized at these institutions.

To learn more about the event organizers you can find out more here:

MODERATOR Raffaello Pantucci
Raffaello Pantucci is the Director of International Security Studies at the Royal United Services Institutes (RUSI) and an associate fellow at the International Center for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) at King's College, London. His research focuses on counter-terrorism as well as China's relations with its Western neighbors. Prior to coming joining RUSI, Raffaello lived for over three years in Shanghai, where he was a visiting scholar at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS). Before that, he worked in London at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington. He has also held positions at the European Council of Foreign Relations (ECFR). He is also the co-founder of YCW.
SPEAKER Janka Oertel
Dr Janka Oertel is the Director of the Asia Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations. She previously worked as a Senior Fellow in the Asia Program at the German Marshall Fund of the United States’ Berlin office, where she focused on transatlantic China policy including on emerging technologies, Chinese foreign policy and security in East Asia. Prior to joining GMF, she served as a program director at Körber Foundation’s Berlin office.
Damien Ma is Managing Director and co-founder of MacroPolo, the Think Tank of the Paulson Institute. He is the author or editor of the books, In Line Behind a Billion People: How Scarcity Will Define China’s Ascent in the Next Decade, The Economics of Air Pollution in China (by Ma Jun), and China’s Economic Arrival: Decoding a Disruptive Rise, published by Palgrave Macmillan. He is also adjunct faculty at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Previously, Ma was a Senior Analyst at Eurasia Group, the political risk research and advisory firm. At EG, he mainly focused on the China and East Asian markets, covering areas that spanned energy and commodities and industrial policy to elite politics and US-China relations. He also led work on analyzing Mongolian politics and its mining sector. His advisory and analytical work served a range of clients from institutional investors and multinationals to the US, Japanese, and Singaporean governments.