Associate Professor
Department of Political Science

Institutional Affiliation 

Associate Professor of Political Science at Colorado State University


BA   Ankara University

PhD  University of Utah, Department of Political Science

Regional and Thematic Interests

MENA, Islamist movements, gender, social policy and politics of food


Gamze Çavdar is an associate professor and graduate coordinator in the department of Political Science at Colorado State University. She joined the Colorado State University in 2006. She has conducted fieldwork in a number of countries particularly on Islamist movements and their gender policies. Her research interests more recently expanded to include the politics of food in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Dr. Çavdar teaches at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Her courses include general comparative politics courses as well as MENA specific ones. In June 2008, as one of the three leaders of Bimson Seminar, she led a six day seminar for K-12 teachers on students' biases against MENA.

Selected Publication

 Gamze Çavdar, Yavuz Yaşar and Jonathan J. Fisk. “ֲý’ Biases about the Middle East? Lessons from an Experiment” Journal of Political Science Education, Forthcoming.   

 Gamze Çavdar and Yavuz Yaşar, “Political Unrest and Women in the Middle East: Moving Beyond Culturalism and Formalism” Feminist Economics, 20(4) (July 2014):33-57.

Gamze Çavdar and Yavuz Yaşar, "Women in Turkey: Silent Consensus in the Age of Neoliberalism and Islamic Conservatism" 2019, Routledge