Associate Professor • Department Chair

Institutional Affiliation

University of Denver
Department of Economics


Ph.D.: Stanford University, 1989.
B.Soc.Sci.: University of Hong Kong, 1982.


Development Economics; International Economics; Alternative Approaches to Economic Analysis


P. Sai-wing Ho has a PhD in economics from Stanford University. One aspect of his research re-examines the works of the classical economists, and offers an alternative approach to integrate their trade and foreign investment analyses that rivals the standard neoclassical interpretation of classical trade theories. He builds analytical connections between that approach and the works of certain ‘protectionists’, the early generation development economists, and today’s globalization skeptics. Informed by these, he has qualitatively assessed the changing environment for development as defined by various multilateral trade agreements negotiated under the auspices of GATT/WTO. He is the author of Rethinking Trade and Commercial Policy Theories: Development Perspectives and many journal articles, and is working on a new book tentatively titled, Industrial Development and Division of Labor: A History of Analysis.

Selected Publications

2016. "Linking the insights of Smith, Marx, Young and Hirschman on the division of labor: implications for economic integration and uneven development", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 40 (3): 913-939.

2015. "External economies in trade and development: contrasting arguments for industry promotion under alternative analytical frameworks", Œconomia – History/Methodology/Philosophy, 5 (3), 363–396.

2013. "Does Mill’s case for infant industry protection capture Hamilton’s and List’s arguments for promoting industrial development?", Review of Political Economy, 25 (4), 546–571.

2013. "Rethinking trade and development: a developmentalist perspective", Forum for Social Economics, XLII (2–3), 167–180.

2012. "Revisiting Prebisch and Singer: beyond the declining terms of trade thesis and on to technological capability development",Cambridge Journal of Economics, 36 (4), 869–893.

2010.ÌýRethinking Trade and Commercial Policy Theories: Development Perspectives. Edward Elgar Publishing (2010).