New Asian Studies BA Requirements

July 2, 2012

The Center for Asian Studes welcomes all incoming students and invites those interested in continuing an education in Asian Studies to apply for the Asian Studies Major. We have made minor changes to the Asian Studies Major requirements, applicable for those declaring Fall 2012 or later. ֲý who have declared...

Asian Studies Graduates

July 2, 2012

Congratulations to this spring and summer Asian Studies BA graduates: Spring: Sonia Gilbertson - BA Asian Studies, minor Business Administration James Hendren - BA Asian Studies, Chinese, minor Philosophy Daniel Ryan - BA Asian Studies, Chinese, minor History Lauren Trujillo - BA Asian Studies, History Kevin Peters - BA Asian...

CAS Event: "Aftershock: Japan One Year after the Tohoku Earthquake"

July 2, 2012

On Friday, April 13, the Center for Asian Studies hosted “ Aftershock: Japan One Year after the Tohoku Earthquake ,” a panel discussion addressing the aftermath of the Japanese earth quake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster of March 11, 2011 and the ongoing recovery efforts occurring on the ground from a...

CU Graduating Senior Honored with International Fellowship

July 2, 2012

The Center for Asian Studies is pleased to share information about recent graduate Dana E. Anderson. After receiving a radio research grant from Journalism and Mass Communication, Dana spent part of July 2011 visiting a community radio station in southeast India operated by the Deccan Development Society. Upon returning to...

"It's Elementary" Service Project Concludes Its Fifteenth Year of Service in Boulder Valley

July 2, 2012

For the fifteenth year, the Program for Teaching East Asia at the Center for Asian Studies continued the "It's Elementary" Service Project, an internship course designed to provide CU students studying Japan, China and India with an opportunity to share their knowledge about Asia with elementary students in Boulder Valley...

Global Seminar, "Beijing: Window on Modern China" unites CU students with Chinese culture

July 2, 2012

Twelve CU students from a variety of backgrounds and with diverse academic interests recently completed a two-week Global Seminar in Beijing entitled, "Beijing: Window on Modern China" (History 4698). The upper division course was taught by Tim Weston , Associate Professor in the Department of History and Associate Director of...

Asian Studies Graduates

May 14, 2012

Congratulations to this spring and summer Asian Studies BA graduates: Spring: Sonia Gilbertson - BA Asian Studies, minor Business Administration James Hendren - BA Asian Studies, Chinese, minor Philosophy Daniel Ryan - BA Asian Studies, Chinese, minor History Lauren Trujillo - BA Asian Studies, History Kevin Peters - BA Asian...

2012-2013 FLAS Recipients

May 14, 2012

Congratulations to this year's Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship recipients: Summer 2012 Awards: Daniel DuBois - History Christopher Lewis - Asian Languages and Civilizations Casey Martin - Asian Languages and Civilizations Fletcher Coleman - Asian Languages and Civilizations Barbara Grossman-Thompson – Sociology Ryan Lopez DeVinaspre – Asian Languages and...

Professor Bin Bai visits CU

April 23, 2012

Professor Bin Bai of Sichuan University visited CU at the invitation of the Center for Chinese Studies. Prof. Bai is a prominent and very active archaeologist who has worked on sites across China. He is a specialist in the archaeology of southwest China and on the archeology of the Daoist...
