The Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy (CASA) is dedicated to advancing our understanding of the Universe in which we live through observations, theory, and the development of ground-based and space-borne instrumentation. Founded in 1985, CASA is an affiliated unit within the structure of the Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (APS) Department at the ŔÖ˛Ą´«Ă˝, Boulder. CASA brings together 50+ researchers, students, and staff in the areas of stellar astrophysics, exoplanets, galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, and cosmology. We develop ground-based and space-borne instrumentation at all wavelengths from X-ray to radio. CASA is deeply connected to the educational mission of APS, with a long history of training students for future careers in astrophysics and instrumentation development.