Maggie Rosenau Headshot
Lecturer of German

Maggie (they/she) holds a PhDin German Studies and has over 15 years of experience teaching German to adult learners. Maggie'spedagogy is student-centered, trauma-informed, disability access focused, and shaped by many years of curriculum development for individualized education as well as feminist pedagogies that value de-hierarchizing the classroom.

Their practice is particularly inspired by Dr. Mimi Khúc’s and Dr. EugeniaZuroski’sexercise, which aims to create “productive spaces for thinking together across difference” and establish “mutual responsibility to respect the complexities of how we relate to one another as we learn with and from each other.”Please visit the teaching section ofto learn more.

At CU Denver, Maggie is adjunctLecturer of German. They also servepart-time at theProgram in Jewish Studieshere at CU Boulder, and are a member of the.

Most recently, as ALTEC’s Learning Design Expert, Maggie produced a series of open access online learning modules/ Open Educational Resource (OER) to support student learning of ֲý as part of aUISFL grant awarded to the Center for Asian Studies. You can explore the free, online .

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