Portrait of JRR.
Research Assistant
Critical Media Practices

Jerónimo Reyes-Retana (b. Mexico City) is an artist and researcher with a particular interest in delving into the political implications of sound, which he articulates with different computer-based processes, sculpture components, and a variety of media. Through speculative futurities often materialized in the form of installation, Reyes-Retana's body of work navigates the intersections between technological innovation, trans-territoriality, corporate colonialism, and dissident digitalities. Provoked by experimenting with situated modes of cultural production, his research is informed by the recognition and indexing of Latin American hybrid geographies conditioned to the social, ecological, and economic anxieties of the Western culture's techno-utopian mysticisms.

Jerónimo holds an MFA in Sculpture + Extended Media from The University of Texas (Austin, US). His work has been shown in solo and group exhibitions at Museo Tamayo (Mexico City, MX), Casa del Lago UNAM (Mexico City, MX), Museo Anahuacalli (Mexico City, MX), Museo de Arte (Ciudad Juárez, MX), OMR Gallery (Mexico City, MX), Mutek (Mexico City, MX), Masa (Mexico City, MX), Distant Gallery (Amsterdam, ND), Toda la Teoría del Universo (Concepción, CL), Co-Lab Projects (Austin, US), Big Medium (Austin, US), Paul Kazmin (NYC, US), amongst others.