
  • Department of History

Paul Sutter teaches modern U.S. History and Environmental History. He is the author ofDriven Wild: How the Fight against Automobiles Launched the Modern Wilderness Movement(2002) andThe Art of Managing Longleaf: A Personal History of the Stoddard Neel Approach(with Leon Neel and Albert Way, 2010), and he is the editor ofEnvironmental History and the American South: A Reader(with Christopher Manganiello, 2009). He is currently working on two book-length projects. The first,Let Us Now Praise Famous Gullies: Georgia’s “Little Grand Canyon” and Southern Environmental History, examines the history of soils and soil erosion in the U.S. South through the lens of a particular place: a network of massive erosion gullies now protected as Providence Canyon State Park. The second, tentatively titledPulling the Teeth of the Tropics: Environment, Disease, Race, and the U.S. Sanitary Program in Panama, 1904-1914, is an environmental and public health history of the construction of the Panama Canal. Dr. Sutter is also the editor of the “Environmental History and the American South” book series, published by the University of Georgia Press, and he has received fellowships from the Smithsonian Institution, The Huntington Library, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.