Published: Dec. 15, 2015
Anastasia Hanson addresses her peers at the PRSSA chapter elections.

ֲý gathered on Dec. 1st to elect officers for CU-Boulder’s new chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). PRSSA, which is composed of more than 300 school chapters, gives public relations students a chance to network, find internships and develop their skills. CU-Boulder is the second school in Colorado to host a PRSSA chapter.

“PRSSA is one way students can start building their resumes by gaining experience in the field of PR before graduation,” explained Erin Willis, a professor of public relations in the College of Media, Communication and Information, who helped to organize the CU-Boulder chapter. “PRSSA offers professional development and networking opportunities that stretch far beyond CU’s campus.”

Anastasia Hanson, the chapter'snewly-elected president, hopes that the chapter will serve as a welcoming community for all students interested in public relations."If CU's PRSSA chapter can provide students who are looking to make meaningful changes in the world around them with an encouraging, productive, and fun environment, then I would be more than happy," she explained.

The complete results of the elections are as follows:

President—Anastasia Hanson
Vice President—Jocelyne Agboglo
Treasurer—Rachel Fletcher
Secretary—Morgan Gallo
PR Coordinator—Franny Campbell
Special Events Coordinator—Caroline Martin
Internship Coordinator—Bailey Gannett
Historian—Emma Falkenberry
PRSSA Assistant—Mary Ruehl