Department news


CMCI graduation

Class of 2019: CMCI student awards

May 8, 2019

Congratulations to all of our 2019 award winners and graduates.

Mozilla Blog: $2.4 Million in Prizes for Schools Teaching Ethics Alongside Computer Science

April 30, 2019

Mozilla is awarding $2.4 million to 17 initiatives that integrate ethics into undergraduate computer science courses.

Vox: How airport scanners discriminate against passengers of color

April 17, 2019

The issue isnā€™t that the technology itself is racist ā€” instead, as Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, an Information Science PhD student at the ĄÖ²„“«Ć½ Boulder and one of the signatories of the letter told The Verge at the time, these technologies ā€œare reinforcing human biasesā€ and perpetuating inequality as a result.

Slate: Why Archive of Our Ownā€™s Surprise Hugo Nomination Is Such a Big Deal

April 9, 2019

Casey Fiesler: Over the past four years, as Iā€™ve studied online fandom platforms , Iā€™ve heard from thousands of AO3 users, some of whom have described the platform and the community that surrounds it as having literally saved their lives. In addition to teaching writing skills (with many writers going...

Fast Company: 7 problems with President Trumpā€™s ā€˜American AIā€™ Initiative

Feb. 25, 2019

Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, a researcher at ĄÖ²„“«Ć½ Boulder who studies gender recognition algorithms, believes that the government should work toward actual policies to hold agencies accountable for their AI development, not just technical guidelines:

Graduation cap

Get ready for graduation

Feb. 5, 2019

The CMCI recognition ceremony at the CU Event Center will take place the day after CU's graduation ceremony at Folsom Field.

Denver 7: Facebook aging challenge got us thinking about how to clear history on social media

Jan. 28, 2019

Featuring Information Science Assistant Professor Casey Fiesler

Then and Now

CMCI Now: Then and Now

Dec. 31, 2018

Two students, decades apart, show how technology continues to evolve the way images come to light.

The Verge: Tumblrā€™s porn ban could be its downfallā€”after all, it happened to LiveJournal

Dec. 6, 2018

Featuring Information Science Assistant Professor Casey Fiesler

Slate: Fandomā€™s fate is not tied to Tumblrā€™s

Dec. 5, 2018

Featuring Information Science Assistant Professor Casey Fiesler
