By Bob Magnant (Ѱձdz’76)
(Wonderdog Books, 31 pages; 2018)

Bob Magnant's book coverIn 1962, Bob Magnant ran a program on an early IBM computer by driving 40 miles to MIT in Cambridge and giving its operator a deck of punched cards. Since then, the world’s population has doubled to more than 7 billion people. As the population swells, so does the human species’ collective knowledge. “We are now being driven to modify our world and our species but will the computer in my pocket make that a reality?” said Bob. “I believe that these are the choices that my granddaughter will be asked to make and I want to help her to prepare for such a world!”

Part of his Fingertips Series, the book’s goal is to help readers recognize and understand the power of information. We Are All Storytellers!, the fifth ebook in the series, summarizes where society and technology converge and calls for help from the technical and educational communities to address negative impacts related to technology, such as addiction, personal privacy breaches and cyber terrorism.