Published: June 1, 2020

Tom Zeiler is a CU Boulder professor of history and director of the international affairs program. He writes on World War II, international economy, and sports and diplomacy. He also teaches the campusā€™s popular ā€œAmerica Through Baseballā€ course.

Tom Zeiler pictured in a cellphone

How soon after waking up do you look at your phone?
Within an hour, if I remember.

Would you rather text or call someone?
Either way, but lean toward call ā€” my fingers always hit the wrong keys while I text. Steve Jobs plagues me.

Location of last selfie?
Deer Valley, a Utah ski resort.

The last baseball-related photo youā€™ve taken?
Coors Field, September game.

Last person you called?
My spouse, Rocio.

First thing youā€™d do if you lost your phone for a day:
Probably rejoice, then go to the computer.

Does anyone else have your passcode?
Everyone has my passcode, including people who Iā€™ve worked with, just like everyone knows where the key to our house is.

App you wish you had the inner strength to delete?
MarketWatch ā€” why do I care about the Dow Jones average? Itā€™s gone wild for years anyway and doesnā€™t seem to indicate how the real economy is going.

Duration of longest call last week?
Two hours, with my mom.

Most-used apps:Ģż

The New York Times

New York times app

The ScoreĢż Ģż Ģż Ģż Ģż

The Score app

Colorado Public Radio

Colorado Public Radio app

Most-used emoji:Ģż

smiley face




Photo by Glenn Asakawa