PhET simulations provide fun, interactive research-based simulations for use in K-12 and college STEM education. To help students visually comprehend concepts, PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag manipulations, sliders and radio buttons. In order to further encourage quantitative exploration, the simulations also offer measurement instruments including rulers, stop watches, voltmeters, and thermometers. All of the simulations are extensively tested and evaluated. All of the simulations are freely available from the PhET website and are easy to use and incorporate into the classroom.

PROGRAM FOCUS: Informal education and outreach, Instructional/Curricular resources. DISCIPLINES: Astrophysical and planetary sciences, Atmospheric and oceanic science, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Interdisciplinary, Physics. EDUCATION CONTEXT: Community/Public, PK-12, Two-year colleges, Undergraduate.

Please note, The Center for STEM Learning provides this link as a resource; however, we do not maintain the PhETÌýwebsite. ÌýIf there is an issue with the above link, please contactÌý
