Published: April 23, 2019

Alumni Tailgate

Mark your calendar!

CU Engineering Alumni Tailgate​
November 9, 2019
Homecoming - CU vs. Stanford

TheĚýfall 2018 Alumni Tailgate drew dozens of alumni, including beer from alumni-owned Bootstrap Brewing Company Steve Kaczeus (˛Ń±đł¦łó·ˇ˛Ô˛µ°ů’82).

CU Engineering Alumni Tailgate 2018

CU Engineering Alumni Tailgate 2018

CU Engineering Alumni Tailgate 2018

CU Engineering Alumni Tailgate 2018

CU Engineering graduates are spread across all 50 states and at least 97 countries.

Now, the college is establishing Regional Alumni Networks in five metropolitan areas to help alumni harness the power of this vast CU Engineering network.

“If we can provide opportunities for that whole ecosystem of people to connect with one another in meaningful ways, that can be formative for their careers,” said Kevin Lobdell, director of alumni engagement in the College of Engineering and Applied Science.

Lobdell and his team have established outposts in the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle and Houston, with Los Angeles and the Denver metro next on the list.

They’re partnering with alumni like Kevin Mackay (MechEngr’06) in the Bay Area to serve as Regional Network Ambassadors. These volunteer ambassadors serve several important purposes: as sounding boards for events and initiatives the college is considering; as amplifiers for those initiatives within their own areas; and as a friendly face for fellow alumni or students seeking local connections.

“Within a big city, it’s not always the easiest to find your way around from a networking standpoint,” Mackay said. “I thought it would be a great way to give back to alumni that are trying to find their way, as well.”

The network is having other auxiliary effects, too. As a result of his volunteer post, Mackay was invited to assist with a high school robotics event, which he hopes will allow him to promote engineering in general and CU Boulder in particular among the next generation.

The Alumni Engagement Team plans to host events in each of the five regions throughout the year, allowing alumni to broaden their connections, learn what’s new in the college and have some fun in the company of fellow Buffs. The hope, Lobdell said, is that more alumni can point to CU Engineering and Applied Science as their strongest professional network, helping them to secure their first jobs, their next jobs, business partnerships and more.

While they’re focusing first on areas with the largest alumni populations, the college will continue to host events on campus to reconnect with alumni while back at their alma mater. And they’ll look to expand these networks to additional areas in the future.


Regional Alumni Networks

Denver | Houston | San Francisco | Seattle | Southern California