ŔÖ˛Ą´«Ă˝ at Boulder Creek

Bridging Course Work

June 6, 2017

WITH REAL-WORLD PROJECTS WHEN A TORRENT OF WATER RIPPED DOWN BOULDER CREEK in September 2013 during historic flooding, a pedestrian bridge connecting the Boulder Creek Path with Folsom Field was one of the casualties. For 50 civil engineering students, the bridge’s loss became an educational opportunity. During the 2014 fall...

Here comes Ralphie

Ralphie Handlers

June 5, 2017

Stephanie Herriage (ArchEngr ’14) from Palos Verdes, California, and James de la Garza (ArchEngr ’15) from San Antonio, Texas, are Ralphie Handlers. Ralphie and her handlers kick off football, lacrosse and soccer games to the excited cheers of Buffs fans. STEPHANIE HERRIAGE | PALOS VERDES, CA Choosing CU-Boulder for her...

Avery Bang

Bridging the Global Resource Gap

June 2, 2017

FOR MOST AMERICANS visiting the doctor’s office, shopping at the supermarket or going to work is a matter of hopping in a car and driving there. But the amenities of modern infrastructure in the United States—roads, bridges and sidewalks—are often absent in rural communities around the globe, separating people from...

Architecture of Smell

The Architecture of Smell

May 8, 2017

Cracking the code on the least understood sense How do chemical messages rising from a piece of rotting food signal a mouse to turn left to find it? How does the shape and movement of that mouse’s odor plume alert a hungry predator that it’s getting close? And precisely what...

wave of water

Waste Not, Want Not

April 5, 2016

CU-Boulder engineers aim to turn America’s dirty water into cleaner air, energy for industry Cleaning up municipal and industrial wastewater can be dirty business, but Zhiyong (Jason) Ren and his colleagues have developed the ultimate presto chango: an innovative treatment method that mitigates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and creates renewable...

David and Debbie DeCook smiling and posing for the camera in front of a lake out back of their home in Georgia.

Pay it Forward

April 4, 2016

Alumnus funds up to 20 architectural engineering scholarships a year Every year, David DeCook (ArchEngr ’71) hosts a dinner for new recipients of his architectural engineering scholarship. When he meets them, he likes to issue a challenge. “We want you to try to do the same we’re doing for you,”...