Published: Aug. 5, 2020
Small brown pointed tooth

This is a tooth from a dinosaur calledTroodon, a smallthreefeet tallmeat-eater that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous Period, about 77 to 66 million years ago.The 1mm scale gives us a clue on just how smallTroodonwas as thistooth isapproximately 4 mm in width, its teeth weresmaller than our teeth!Troodonwas one of the first dinosaurs ever discovered from North America and was first described by famous paleontologist Joseph Leidy in 1856. Leidy gave this animal the nameTroodonmeaning “wounding tooth”. Unlike other meat-eating dinosaurs,Troodonteeth have very distinctive serrations that resemble the serrations found on the teeth of herbivorous reptiles. This suggests thatTroodonmay have been omnivorous (kind of like us), instead of a strict meat-eater.

Troodonfossils have been found in several locations in the western United States, from west Texas all the way to northern Alaska. Teeth collected in Alaska are much larger than teeth collected in more southern locales, suggesting that the AlaskaTroodonwas a much bigger individual than its southern counterparts. Thisspecimenwas collected in western Colorado in the Williams Fork Formation.Geologic formations areunits of rock layers (bedding or strata)in which geologists cancorrelatethe layers and even use thelayersas geologic time markers.CU Museumpaleontologists are currently conducting field research in the Williams Fork Formation, primarily looking for fossils of early mammalssuch asMeniscoessuswho werecontemporaneous withTroodonduring the Late Cretaceous. Hopefully, we will be able to find moreTroodonfossils this summer too!

Catalog Number: UCM 57501
Location: Rio Blanco Co., Colorado
Age: Late Cretaceous, Campanian
Stratigraphy: Williams Fork Formation

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Fiorillo, A. R. 2008. On the Occurrence of Exceptionally Large Teeth of Troodon (Dinosauria:Saurischia) from the Late Cretaceous of Northern Alaska. PALAIOS 23:322–328.
Holtz, T. R., D. L. Brinkman, and C. L. Chandler. 1998. Denticle Morphometrics and a Possibly Omnivorous Feeding Habitforthe Theropod Dinosaur Troodon. GAIA 15:8.
Lillegraven, J.A. 1987. Stratigraphic andEvolutionaryImplications of aNewSpecies ofMeniscoessus(Multituberculata, Mammalia) from the Upper Cretaceous Williams Fork Formation, Moffat County, Colorado.Dakoterra3, p. 46-56.
Stevens, K. A. 2006. Binocular Vision in Theropod Dinosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26:321–330.