Preston Cumming Receives Hazel Schmoll Award

April 4, 2012

The Hazel Schmoll Award is presented by the CU Herbarium. Preston will use the funds to support his work titled “Do changes in yearly fine-scale soil properties affect native and non-native species colonization patterns?â€Â

Julia Hicks Receives a Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant

April 3, 2012

This $1000 award will support Julia's research.

Lauren Gifford Receives a Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant

April 3, 2012

This $1000 award will support Lauren's research.

Ian Rowen Receives a Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant

April 3, 2012

This $1000 award will support Ian's summer research on Chinese tourism in Taiwan.

Chris Jochem Receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

April 2, 2012

Chris was awarded this graduate research fellowship through the National Science Foundation.

Amy Schubert Receives a Korea Foundation Graduate Studies Fellowship

April 1, 2012

This award of $20,000 is for support of living expenses and/or tuition fees for 2012/2013.

Allison Hurley Receives NSF Graduate Teaching Fellowship

March 29, 2012

Allison will work on projection EXTREMES which is a collaboration betweem CIRES, EBIO, Computer Science and the Boulder Valley School district. The purpose of the project is to develop and teach science/technology lessons with classroom teachers and help develop learning environments to support science content understanding. Allison will work directly...

Amy Schubert Receives a Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship

March 22, 2012

This Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) from the Social Science Research Council and MIGRINTER, a research center of CNRS at the University of Poitiers enables Amy to participate in the 2012 DPDF program within the field of New Approaches to Transnationalism and Migratory Circulation, led by Professors Khachig Tölöyan, Emmanuel...

Cameron Naficy Receives a Jerry O’Neal NPS Fellowship

March 6, 2012

Cameron will be awarded $4000 as recipient of a 2012 Jerry O’Neal, National Park Service Student Fellowship.

Natalie Koch Wins AAG Student Paper Competition

March 6, 2012

Natalie won the Political Geography Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers student paper competition.
