Jamie Humphrey Portrait
Ph.D. 2015
Human Geography

Areas of interest:ÌýNeighborhoods & Health; Contextual effects on child & adolescent health; Longitudinal health effects
Faculty Advisor:ÌýElisabeth Root


2015 - Neighborhood Effects on Behavioral and Educational Trajectories of U.S. Children and Adolescents

Selected Publications

E.D. Root and J.L. Humphrey. (2014).ÌýThe impact of childhood mobility on exposure to neighborhood socioeconomic context over time.ÌýAmerican Journal of Public Health 104(1).

F. Riosmena, J.L. Humphrey, E.D. Root, E. Steiner, R. Stubbs. (2013).ÌýUnderstanding the mixed bag of Hispanic and Mexican-American Health.ÌýStanford Center of Poverty and Inequality.

M.A. Crary, J.L. Humphrey, G.D. Carnaby-Mann, L. Miller, R. Sambandam, S. Silliman. (2013).ÌýDysphagia, nutritional status and hydration in ischemic stroke patients at admission and discharge from acute care.ÌýDysphagia 28(1): 69-76.

K.A. Devine, E.A. Storch, G.R. Geffken, M. Freddo, J.L. Humphrey, J.H. Silverstein. (2008).ÌýProspective study of peer victimization and social-psychological adjustment in children with endocrine disorders.ÌýJournal of Child Health Care 12(1): 76-86.

J.L. Humphrey, E.A. Storch, G.R. Geffken. (2007).ÌýPeer victimization in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.ÌýJournal of Child Health Care 11(3): 248-260.

Publications updated April 2014