Jill Harrison
Professor of Geography • Environmental Justice • Environmental Politics • Political Ecology • Agriculture and Food Systems • PhD, University of California at Santa Cruz, 2006
Human Geography • Environment-Society

Research Interests

My research helps identifythe cultural relations and political economic processes that disproportionatelysituatemembers of racially marginalized, Indigenous, and working-classcommunities in dangerous spaces and precarious conditions thatcontribute toinequalities in life opportunity, illness, and death. I also identify ways thestate, social movements, and other institutions canmore effectively redressthose inequalities. I have done so through various cases of environmental andworkplace inequality in thecontemporary United States. In addition to the areas of research described below, I advise the U.S. government agencies on itsenvironmentaljustice reform efforts through serving on the National EnvironmentalJustice Advisory Council of theU.S. Environmental Protection Agency. I co-founded and have helped direct CU Boulder’s Graduate Certificate in Environmental Justice.

My current major research project examinesthe disappointing pace of environmental regulatory agencies’ “environmentaljustice”(EJ) programs and policies as a case through which to understandwhy, despite reducing environmental hazards for the nationoverall,agencies have not improved conditions in places enduring thegreatest environmental burdens. Other scholars have shown that materialfactors outside the control of agency staff – budget cuts, limits toregulatory authority, industry pressure, and underdeveloped analyticaltools – constrain the possibilities for EJ reforms to regulatory practice. Myresearch builds upon that work, focusing instead ondemonstrating howagencies’ EJ reform efforts are also undermined by elements of regulatoryworkplace culture that transcend changesin administration.At the same time,my publicationsandoutreach offer practical suggestions for how agencies can more effectivelyreduce environmentalinequalities that deeply affect the lives of so manyAmericans, and they show how agencies’ EJ staff – those tasked with developingEJreforms – endeavor to change both regulatory practice and regulatory culturefrom the inside out. I have been invited topresent my research on the challenges facing government agencies’ EJ reformefforts to the executiveleadership and other staff at numerous environmentalregulatory agencies, including atthe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),California EPA, theCalifornia Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the MinnesotaPollution Control Agency, Minnesota’s Environmental Quality Board,theCalifornia Fish and Game Commission, and the California Natural ResourcesAgency. Youcan read about my research in articles in,ճDZǰ岹, and .

In another recent project, my colleagues and I identified cultural challengesfacinguniversities’efforts to address environmental precarity through“engineering-for-development”(EfD) programs that train engineering students to help solve problems indevelopingcommunities, including pertaining to shelter, drinking water access, sanitation,and affordable energy. I conducted thisNSF-funded researchin collaboration with Shawhin Roudbari (Environmental Design,ֲý), JessicaKaminsky (Engineering, University ofWashington), Santina Contreras (Public Policy, University of SouthernCalifornia), and SkyeNiles (ֲý).

My recent research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the AmericanCouncil of Learned Societies, the American Philosophical Society, and theUniversityof Colorado.

Recent Courses Taught

  • Spring 2024 GEOG 3782 Environmentalism, Race, and Justice
  • Fall 2023 GEOG 4772 The Geography of Food and Agriculture
  • Spring 2023 GEOG 3782 Environmentalism, Race, and Justice
  • Spring 2023 GEOG/COMM/ENVS/PSCI 7118 Environmental Justice​
  • Fall 2022 GEOG 4772 The Geography of Food and Agriculture

Selected Publications

Updated January 2023