Ian Rowen wins NSF IGERT grant for research in China

March 17, 2011

Ian Rowen has won a grant from the University of Wisconsin, Madison's Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program "Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Southwest China" funded by National Science Foundation. The grant will fund Rowen's summer research on ecotourism in northwestern Yunnan. See "UW Madison's IGERT China...

Ian Rowen wins Critical Language Scholarship in Indonesian

March 17, 2011

Ian Rowen has won a scholarship to study Indonesian during Summer of 2011 at Universitas Negeri Malang in Malang, Indonesia through the Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program at the US Department of State. Indonesian will help Rowen continue his research on the political and sociocultural impacts of tourism in Asia...

Amelia Schubert wins FLAS Fellowship

March 17, 2011

Amelia Schubert has won a Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship from the Center for Asian Studies for the 2011-12 academic year. The fellowship will allow Schubert to study advanced Chinese language in preparation for her dissertation research on the Chinese sending communities of Korean-Chinese migrants to South Korea. See...

Amanda Kass Awarded UGGS Travel Grant

March 3, 2011

Amanda was awarded a travel grant from the United Government of Graduate ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ (UGGS). The award will be used for travel to the Association of American Geographers annual conference in Seattle, April 12-16, 2011 ($300). UGGS is the primary advocacy group for graduate and professional students on the CU-Boulder campus...

Adam Williams Awarded a Graduate School Fellowship for Travel to AAG Conference

March 3, 2011

Adam was awarded a Graduate School fellowship for travel to annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Seattle, April 12-16, 2011 ($300).

Adam Williams Awarded UGGS Travel Grant

March 3, 2011

Adam was awarded a travel grant from the United Government of Graduate ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ (UGGS). The award will be used for travel to the Association of American Geographers annual conference in Seattle, April 12-16, 2011 ($300). UGGS is the primary advocacy group for graduate and professional students on the CU-Boulder campus...

Morgan Zeliff Receives the Young Investigator’s Award from the 2011 BASIN Isotope Conference

March 3, 2011

Morgan is the recipient of a Young Investigator's Award to participate in the BASIN 2011 conference on the Roles of Stable Isotopes in Water Cycle Research, Keystone, Colorado, March 29-31.

Mark Williams’ “Water Resources in the 4 Corners†project featured at the CU Regents meeting

Feb. 18, 2011

Mark Williams' “Water Resources in the 4 Corners†outreach project will be featured at the CU Regents meeting 22 February in Boulder. Linda Molner Kelley, Ph.D, Director for University Outreach at Continuing Education & Professional Studies will share the new outreach and engagement website with the Regents. They have chosen...

Michelle Stewart Receives a Fellowship at Harvard Kennedy School’s STS Program

Feb. 17, 2011

Michelle will receive a non-stipendiary fellowship in the Harvard Kennedy School's Program on Science, Technology and Society (STS) for academic year 2011-2012. While there, Michele will continue her work on how "expertise" and "sustainability" take form in the local context of harvesters' daily interactions and livelihoods in Northest Yunnan, China...

Chris Anderson-Tarver Receives Travel Scholarship from the US National Committee

Feb. 1, 2011

Chris Anderson-Tarver was awarded a travel scholarship from the US National Committee to the International Cartographic Association; $1,300.00. Chris will use the funds to attend the 25th International Cartographic Conference in Paris, France, July 2011. See International Cartographic Association for more information.
