Published: March 22, 2022

Mark your calendars with the activities and deadlines that you don't want to miss.

Graduate Student Appreciation Week
April 4 through April 8—The Graduate School and the Division of Student Affairs honors our outstanding graduate students duringGraduate Student Appreciation Weekwith a full slate of activities.

April 5, 8:15-10:30 a.m.—Graduate Student Breakfast: The Graduate School invites all graduate students to join us for breakfast burritos and coffee in the Rec Center’s Ice Overlook room.

Funding Deadlines
April 12, 12:01 a.m. toApril 14 11:59 p.m.—Travel Grant application opens for conference travel occurring between 5/1/22-8/31/22. Please see more information on ourfunding website

Professional Development
April 5, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m.—Career Experiences & Advice: Postdoctoral Fellows Hosted by CSU | Register at

April 7, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m—How to Plan Effectively | Register at

April 12, 11:00 to 12:30 p.m.—Leveraging LinkedIn Hosted by CU Anschutz | Register at

April 13, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.—Career Experiences & Advice: Faculty and Researchers off the Tenure Track Hosted by CSU | Register at

Graduation Deadlines
March 31—Deadline for graduate students to purchase commencement regalia online. Visitfor details.

April 1—Graduate students who plan to have their degrees awarded in August 2022 but would like to participate in a May 2022 commencement ceremony and be listed in the commencement program mustapply online to graduatethroughon the “apply for graduation” card. PhD students must also enter their dissertation title as part of the graduation application. Though you plan to participate in a May ceremony, please select August 2022 as the semester of graduation if that is when your degree will be awarded.

April 5—Doctoral students must complete the PhD dissertation defense or final examination by this date. Notice of the examination must be provided to the Graduate School by your academic unit two weeks before the exam on an examination report form.

April 12—There are numerous deadlines for this date.

  • PhD students mustsubmit the dissertationwith Thesis Approval Form by this deadline. The dissertation must befor review and approval by Graduate School staff by the end of the business day. TheThesis Approval Form(TAF) must be uploaded as a supplemental file with the dissertation in order for the submission to be complete. ֲý whose dissertations are received after this deadline, or those not submitted with the TAF, must apply to graduate at the following semester's commencement.

  • PhD and DMA students must fill out theby this deadline..

  • Master's students must complete the thesis defense or final examination by this date. Notice of the examination must be provided to the Graduate School by your academic unit two weeks before the exam on an examination report form. Certain units do not require an exam for non-thesis students. Please contact your department with any questions.

April 18—Grade changes for doctoral students must be submitted for incomplete courses taken during previous or current semesters.

April 19—Master's thesis plan students mustsubmit the thesisand Thesis Approval Form by this deadline. The thesis must befor review and approval by Graduate School staff by the end of the business day. TheThesis Approval Form(TAF) must be uploaded as a supplemental file with the dissertation for the submission to be complete. ֲý whose dissertations are received after this deadline, or those not submitted with the TAF, must apply to graduate at the following semester's commencement.

April 25—Grade changes for master’s students must be submitted for incomplete courses taken during previous semesters.

See the Graduate School website for a full listing ofgraduation deadlinesfor spring and other information aboutgraduation requirements.