Ph.D Graduation Deadlines

  • Schedule your comprehensive exam (usually done in the second semester of year 2). Use Doodle poll to schedule the exam. Once you have finalized the exam date, send exam date and committee members, indicating committee chair, to the Graduate Program Assistant (Karen) at least three weeks before your exam. Karen will submit the Doctoral Comprehensive Exam form for you.
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    • Should be submitted within two weeks of passing comprehensive exam (not before)
    • only list 30 hours of coursework you are applying to the PhD (5000-level or above, must have a grade of B- or above). If you have taken over the minimum number of required courses, you might be able to count any courses that you select as not counting toward your degree toward a second PhD degree.
    • Notify your departmental Graduate Program Assistant (Karen) once you have submitted candidacy application
  • apply online to graduateٳdzܲon the “apply for graduation” card.
  • Schedule your dissertation defense in your final semester based on PhD graduation deadlines. Use Doodle poll to schedule the exam. Once you have finalized the exam date, send exam date and committee members, indicating committee chair, to the Graduate Program Assistant (Karen) at least thre weeks before your defense. Karen will submit the exam form for you.
  • Thesis Approval Form (TAF) You will need to attach your dissertation and provide the name of your committee chair and one committee member. Once you click on "submit" the form will be routed to your committee chair and committee member for approval. Once form has been signed, you will receive a copy of the form that will need to be included when you submit your dissertation.
  • Submit your dissertation online by the PhD graduation deadlines. You will need to include a copy of the signed Thesis Approval Form (TAF) when you submit your thesis. ֲý are strongly encouraged to submit a draft of their dissertation to the Graduate School for a prelmiinary formatting review, by emailing the thesis to See Specifications for a Doctoral Dissertation for information on formatting. A final version of the thesis must be submitted online along with the Thesis Approval Form and approved by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline day.