Published: March 4, 2019

una bcAll events are in the Boulder Public Library – Main, Boulder Creek Room, 1:00 – 3:00pm

1001 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder CO 80302

Thursday, March 21st – Venezuela

Details to follow.

Thursday, March 28th  - “Tajikistan, the “Stans” and The Silk Road and Chinese plans.”

Resource person: Peter Kleinman. Peter and several Boulder friends spent three weeks in Tajikistan this summer biking and visiting Dushanbe, the capital, which is a Boulder Sister City and the source of our famous tea house. Before and after the trip Peter has spent time studying this often ignored area of the world.

Thursday, April 18th - “Colombia - Five years through the eyes of a reporter.”

Resource Person: Taran Volckhausen, Freelance Writer and Editor, has recently returned from five years in Colombia. While there his particular focus was environmental stories in the context of the peace deal’

Thursday, April 25th - “Watson Scholar’s projects to help their native countries.”

Resource Persons: Several Watson Scholars will discuss the projects they are developing to implement in their home countries. They are working on these projects while studying here in Boulder. There will also be comments on growing up in their homelands and their first perspectives on the US. Johanam Abdalla, Guatmala and Yousra Kherkhache, Algeria, have already accepted and UNABC is talking to other students from Haiti and Rwanda and possibly others.