Melanie Peffer

Melanie Peffer, ICS Research Associate Presents TEDxCU 'How rethinking biology can positively change your life.'

May 7, 2021

Sidney D'Mello

Sidney D'Mello, ICS Faculty Featured in Buff Innovator Insights

April 29, 2021

The Research and Innovation Office's new and exciting research podcast launched spring of 2021. Sidney was interviewed on April 29 about the NSF National Institute for Student-Agent Teaming.

Diverse students at Diversity Summit

New Diversity Resources for Our Research Community

April 29, 2021

A broad, inclusive group originating in CU Boulder research institutes has developed an online hub focused on connecting and supporting Black, Indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC) and other underserved members of our research and innovation community.

medical cannabis logo

Free Medical Cannabis Online Course for the Public and CU ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½/Faculty/Staff Available

April 29, 2021

Register now to find out what evidence exists to back up the claims of the beneficial use of cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids on the market. CU Boulder students, faculty, and staff can take the full course for free. Others can earn completion certificates by paying for a Coursera subscription ($49 per month).

Rosi Kaiser

Congratulation Rosi Kaiser, ICS Fellow for Receiving a 2021 UROP Outstanding Mentor Award

April 21, 2021

Rosi was awarded a 2021 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Award for her exceptional work as a mentor to undergraduate students.

Cinnamon Bidwell

Cinnamon Bidwell, ICS Faculty Quoted in yahoo!news 'Potency Limits are the Next Frontier in Marijuana Debate'

April 21, 2021

Clayton Lewis

Clayton Lewis and Gerhard Fischer, ICS Fellows Present Webinar on Human Computer Interaction on April 22nd.

April 21, 2021

Clayton and Gerhard will discuss their groundbreaking work at CU in HCI, design and lifelong learning over the past 35 years, including contributions by their friend and colleague, the late Mike Eisenberg. Webinar will be moderated by Leysia Palen and takes place April 22, Thursday, 4:00pm to 5:00pm MT.

Kent Hitchison

Kent Hutchison, ICS Fellow Delivers the 116th Distinguished Research Lecture, 'Understanding the Risks and Benefits of Cannabis Across the Lifespan.'

April 21, 2021

Angela Bryan

Angela Bryan, ICS Fellow Quoted on Results of Cannabis's Effect on Exercise Levels

April 19, 2021

Angela's study on the use of cannabis around and during physical activitiy continues to garner attention in popular media. Recently LoudCloud Health and HealthDay featured results of Angela's study on exercise and cannabis use. Notably she shared that "I got interested in the connection between cannabis use and exercise because...

Danielle Szafir

Danielle Szafir, ICS Fellow Receives NSF CAREER Award, Congratulations!

April 10, 2021

Danielle, an assistant professor of computer science with the ATLAS Institute received the highly prestigious award for her project titled 'Developing Perceptually-Driven Tools for Estimating Visualization Effectiveness".
