Published: June 18, 2015

We will miss her. She had class. Always dressed in proper attire (nix on the shorts and Harley Davidson shirt , third row juror). She paid attention. She took her job as one of 24 jurors in the batman theater shooting trial like the privilege to serve that it is. But she got her hall pass taken away for …what? Because she has acquaintance with a witness who testified nearly a 6 weeks ago! That witness has a kid who goes to the banished juror’s school. The prosecutors looked exasperated. The defense licked their chops. Seems unfair the judge questioned her credibility and put into the record. Front-row-school-secretary juror was the only known minority (Hispanic) on the jury. So now 5 down. We started with 24. We don’t know who the seven alternates are. Poor lady. She’s probably wondering what she did wrong. She must have been a leader among them because the other jurors looked perplexed at her empty seat when they filed in. They are not allowed to know what happens when their colleagues in duty suddenly disappear; so they were probably wondering what such a proper lady did to deserve getting booted from the island.