Published: March 11, 2016 By

trump clinton

Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton  on the deportation of children immigrating to the united states, stating that she “would not deport children.” This change is being viewed as a political ploy, as in the past Ms. Clinton has condemned children fleeing cartel-controlled communities in Central America. Many attribute her move to the left on this issue as a result of Sen. Sanders position on repatriating such minors.

In direct contrast to the views that GOP front-runner Donald Trump has expressed denouncing, and arguably discriminating against, undocumented workers in the United States, . An investigation by CNNMoney has found Trump’s agency in direct violation with federal law, capitalizing on the cheap labor of those Trump commonly refers to as “illegals.”

When asked if they would support a more expansionist policy on immigration, a majority of the Americans polled by Rasmussen opposed such a change. This opinion is reflective of American views not only on illegal immigrants entering the US, but also those migrants who go through the legal steps toward citizenship.