Published: Jan. 17, 2017

Professor David Shneer.In November, David Shneer, Louis P. Singer Endowed Chair in Jewish Historyand Professor of History, Religious Studies and Jewish Studies,and his musical collaborator Jewlia Eisenberg performedArt is My Weapon: The Radical Musical Life of Lin Jaldatiat Temple University and as the DeVoy Visiting Artist-in-Residence at Franklin and Marshall College. Learn more about the project .

In November, Shneer also conducted research in Paris with Yahad in Unum, founded by Father Patrick Desbois to explore the forensics of the killing fields of the Holocaust in the former Soviet Union, and particpated in a seminar for European Holocaust educators.

In December, he organized a seminar at the annual meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies on Post Holocaust Cultures, for which he produced a paper, “Testimony for the Dead and the Living: Elie Wiesel, Lin Jaldati, and the Politics of Moral Leadership.” Stay tuned for the papers presented at the seminar to appear as a book.

He also continuing serving as editor ofEast European Jewish Affairs, whose upcoming edition is a special issue dedicated to Russian Jewish American Culture with a focus on female culture producers. There will be a day-long festival at the Center for Jewish History, in New York on Sunday March 5, launching the journal, at which many contributors will appear, including theForward’s deputy art directorAnya Ulinich, poet and scholar Polina Barskova, and photographer Alina Bliumis. The festival will close with a concert by Svetlana Shmulyan.