Published: May 11, 2017
Nick Underwood

NickUnderwood, graduate alum with the Program in Jewish Studies, was selected as the 2017 recipient of the Western Society for French History’s Millstone Research Fellowship (). Nick will use the fellowship to complete research in Paris, France on a new research project titled "Yiddish Culture After Liberation and the Holocaust in Paris, 1944-1949.”

For June 2017, Nick was selected as a Visiting Scholar at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University () in Leipzig, Germany. There, he will work on a project titled "YIVO Paris: Jewish Scholarship, Diaspora Nationalism, and the City of Light, 1930–1940,” which is expected to be a new chapter of his book manuscript currently titled, “Yiddish Paris: Nation and Community in Interwar France.”

Nick also had a paper accepted as part of the“Peripheries of the European Revolutionary Process(es) 1917–1923” conference, which will take place at the European University Institute in Florence, ItalyOctober 2017.

In addition to these projects, Nick continues to serve as Managing Editor for the journalsEast European Jewish AffairsԻAmerican Jewish Historyand as Project Manager for the digital humanities project, the Digital Yiddish Theatre Project ().