Published: Sept. 28, 2017
Beverly Weber

Beverly Weber's most recent article on contemporary refugee migration in Germany, "The German Refugee “Crisis”after Cologne: The Race ofRefugee Rights" has appeared inEnglish Language Notesover the summer. She also conducted research in Germany this summer for her book manuscriptRace, Rights and Refugee Migration.This fall she will give talks at the University of Pittsburgh (as part of the workshop "The Muslim Question in Europe") and the University of Toronto (as part of the workshop Islamophobia East/West). She is co-convener ofthe German Studies Association Seminar "Feminist Scholar-Activism and the Politics of Affect", and will co-present "Speculative Feminisms: Transnational Connection and Collaboration" at the Women in German annual meeting.

Professor Weber is currently serving as the Undergraduate Associate Chair and German Program Head in GSLL, the Director of Graduate Studies for the Program in Jewish Studies, and as a Steering Committee member for Women in German.