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Tips for interviewing via Zoom

Manysearch processes are taking place remotely-often aslive interviews via Zoom video conferencing. With video interviewing becoming more common, we’ve gathered a few pointers about using Zoom we thought you might appreciate.

  • Get familiar with the technology before your interview, not during it. Download the app ahead of time and set up and test your technology; know how to move between Gallery View and Speaker View. There is a wealth of information at.
  • Many people find it a distraction to have their own image in front of them when they want to be concentrating on the questions that are being asked. Learn where to turn off your own image.
  • It is likely you will join the interview by being placed in a “”. You’ll want to understand what that looks like when you’re waiting and how to know when you’re “up.”
  • Set up a distraction-free environment for yourself so you can concentrate on the interview. Make sure kids and pets are quietly occupied elsewhere. The less distracting the background, the better. A painting or two is fine, but not a shower curtain or a pile of laundry in the background. Bookshelves are a nice touch.
  • Put the camera that you’ll be using, either on your laptop or as a peripheral, at eye level so that you’re looking directly into the eyes of the interviewers.
  • Dress appropriately for the interview just as if you were attending in person. If you feel more professional because you’re dressed for the part, you’ll come across as more professional.
  • Body language is as important for a Zoom interview as it is for an in-person interview. Sit up straight so you appear alert and engaged. No chewing gum. Don’t forget to smile!
  • Be ready with some questions to ask the interview panel at the end. This invariably impresses interviewers and says to them that you took the time to really look at the position and learn about it and that you have a genuine interest in the position. You’ll be surprised at how far this will take you!

Be sure to keep an eye onCU Boulder Jobsfor the latest in newly posted positions and tips from our recruiters that we hope will assist you in your job search.