
The Assembly Logo

Welcome to The Assembly! We are a graduate student run journal of education committed to creating a space online for all stakeholders in education to share their perspectives on the field with each other. We publish publicly oriented articles and dialogue essays once per semester written by scholars, teachers, family members, students, and other members of the field of education. We also aim to facilitate greater communication between these different members through active use of social media. 

New Dialogues Issue!

The Assembly is announcing a special Dialogues issue called "Educators Moving Towards Collective Liberation" coordinated by A Queer Endeavor. This special Dialogues issue stems from the meeting of the Educator Institute for Equity and Justice, sponsored by A Queer Endeavor, that brought together K-12 educators and leaders from Colorado and beyond to engage in deep conversation on anti-racism, gender and sexual diversity, bi/multilingualism, and other topics, to learn and enact equity and justice-focused practices. All multi-modal articles are located on the website.


News in Ed

Pfizer Covid-19 may begin for children as young as 12 years old

States currently debate to restrict how teachers discuss racism and sexism

Check out NYU Metro Center's to culturally responsive-sustaining remote education

Removing police from schools:

Current Issue - URBAN Special Issue

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