
  • Dall-E from scratch generating clothing MNIST like data
    Text-Conditioned Image Generation on FashionMNIST using CLIP Latents by Matthew Nguyen
  • Unitree Robotic dog at Rocky Mountain Biological Lab.
    Promotional videos are great, but what is the real deal taking a robotic dog to the field? Our goal is to find out what a commodity robotic dog can add to their set of tools, what it can actually accomplish in the field, and what fundamental
  • A simple blockstacking task
    ChatGPT is never shy at pretending to perform deep thought, but — like our brain — might need additional tools to reason accurately “ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.” is now written right underneath the prompt, and we all got used to
  • CLIP Overview
    by Matt Nguyen Open World Object Recognition on the Clothing MNIST Dataset Computer vision systems were historically limited to a fixed set of classes, CLIP has been a revolution allowing open world object recognition by “predicting which image and
  • Example of pictures fitting into the Confusion Matrix
    by Uri Soltz Google’s Open World Localization Visual Transformer (OWL-ViT) in combination with Meta’s “Segment Anything” has emerged as the goto pipeline for zero-shot object recognition — none of the objects have been used in training the
  • MAGPIE gripper and its dependencies
    by Streck Salmon There are a myriad of robotic arms, but very few choices when it comes to robotic grippers, particularly those with built-in force control and perception. This article explores the outer and inner workings of the MAGPIE gripper
  • Padding step in the ViT (Matt Nguyen)
    Building a Vision Transformer Model From Scratch by Matt Nguyen The self-attention-based transformer model was first introduced by Vaswani et al. in their paper Attention Is All You Need in 2017 and has been widely used in natural language
  • A humanoid performing assembly. Image by the author via
    Since the introduction of mass production in 1913 assembly lines are still mostly human — humanoids might change this Henry Ford is known as the father of mass production, streamlining the production of his “Model T” enabling cars to be widespread
  • Deligrasp overview
    How to leverage large language models for robotic grasping and code generation Grasping and manipulation remain a hard, unsolved problem in robotics. Grasping is not just about identifying points where to put your fingers on an object to create
  • A humanoid cleaning up (its own?) mess while preparing a meal. The humanoid form factor holds tremendous promise for seamless integration into existing value creation processes. Image: author via
    Humanoids might finally solve the “brownfield” problem that plagues robotic adaptation, and recent breakthroughs in multi-modal transformers and diffusion models might actually make it happen. Not a week goes by without a flurry of humanoid
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