
  • Research interests: parasitology, host-parasite interactions, wildlife disease, diversity and inclusion

N122 CB334 Ramaley

Boulder CO 80309

I am mother, parasite researcher, and driving force for women in science. I am a graduate of the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Wildlife Management and Ecology Bachelor Program, Colorado Mountain College Veterinary Technology Associate of Science Program, and Texas A&M University Master of Science Program. I am a Senior Research Associate at the ֲý where I specializes in wildlife systematic parasitological studies, specifically host-parasite interactions and ecological consequences of stunning body invaders. Working with decorated scientist Dr. Pieter Johnson, I have published over thirty peer-reviewed scientific papers in renowned journals like PNAS, the Journal of Helminthology, and the International Journal of Parasitology. I have spent over 15 years educating and mentoring over 70 students in the understudied, diverse, and art of parasitology.

I am an active promoter of diversity, equity, and inclusion. I serve as a contractor for Rice University, where I work with Wall Street Journal National Bestselling author and director of Doerr Institute of New Leaders, Dr. Stefanie Johnson. Here I work at the intersection of diversity, inclusion, and science with collaborators like NASA. In this role, I wrote an instructor manual for the Introduction Industrial Organizational Psychology textbook that included a spotlight on diversity, equity, and inclusion. I also am an advocate and active learner for deaf and hearing-impaired children, as my preemie daughter is hard of hearing.

Outside the academic institution, I enjoy the scenic outdoors of Colorado with my husband Forrest Lacey (Project Scientist at NCAR), daughter Macallynn and our dogs Trace and Envy. I can also be found savoring beverages at local wineries and breweries and escaping with a good nonfiction beach read.



Johnson, P.T.J., Calhoun, D.M., Achatz, T.J., Greiman, S.E., Gestos, A., and Keeley, W.H. (2024). Outbreak of parasite-induced limb malformations in a declining amphibian species in Colorado. International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife24: 100965.

Calhoun, D.M., Groves. J.*, Schaffer, P. A., Achatz, T.J., Greiman, S. and Johnson, P.T.J. (2024). Epizootic of Clinostomum marginatum (Trematoda: Clinostomidae) in Ambystoma tigrinum from Colorado: investigation through genomics, histopathology, and noninvasive imagery. Journal of Wildlife Diseases.

Locke, S., Calhoun, D.M., Valencia Cruz, J., Ebbs, E., Diaz Pernett, S., Tkach, V., Kinsella, J., Freeman, M., Blanar, C. and P.T.J. Johnson. (2024). Expanding on expansus: A new species of Scaphanocephalus from North America and the Caribbean based on molecular and morphological data. Parasitology.

Malawauw,R.J., Piaskowy*, J., Ter Horst*, L.J., Calhoun, D.M. and Johnson, P.T.J. (2024). Parasitism in reef fish communities: evaluating the roles of host traits, habitat use, and phylogeny on infection by Scaphanocephalus (Trematoda). Coral Reefs 43: 509-522.


Calhoun, D. M., Curtis, J., Hassan^, C., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2023). Putting infection on the map: Using heatmaps to characterize within-and between-host distributions of trematode metacercariae. Journal of Helminthology 97: e84.

Johnson, P.T.J., Stewart-Merrill, T. E., Calhoun, D.M., McDevitt-Galles, T., and Hobart, B. (2023). Into the danger zone: how the within-host distribution of parasites controls virulence. Ecology Letters 0: 1-11.


McDevitt-Galles, T., Moss, W.E., Calhoun, D.M., Briggs, C.J., and Johnson, P.T.J.(2022). How extreme drought events, introduced species, and disease interact to influence threatened amphibian populations.Freshwater Science,41 (in press).

Curran, S.S., Calhoun, D.M., Tkach, V.V., Warren, M.B., & Bullard, S.A. (2022).A new species of Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929 (Digenea: Bucephalidae) infecting chain pickerel, Esox niger Lesueur, 1818 (Perciformes: Esocidae), from the Pascagoula River, Mississippi, USA, with phylogenetic analysis and nucleotide-based elucidation of a three-host life cycle.Comparative Parasitology89, 82-101.

Calhoun, D.M.(2022). Teacher Instructional Manual. Industrial Organizational Psychology. Taylor and Francis.

Stewart-Merrill, T.E.,Calhoun, D.M., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2022). Beyond single host, single parasite interactions: Quantifying competence for competence for complete multi-host, mult-parasite communities. Functional Ecology36, 1845-1857.


Falendysz, E.A., Calhoun, D.M., Smith, C.A., and Sleeman, J.M. (2021). Outside the box: Working with wildife in biocontainment. ILAR Journalilab025.


Rose. D.P.*, Calhoun. D.M., and Johnson,P.T.J. (2020). Infection prevalence and pathology of the cymothoid parasiteOlencira praegustatorin Atlantic menhaden.Invertebrate Biology2020, 00:e12300.

Johnson, P.J.T., Calhoun, D.M., Moss, W.E., McDevitt‐Galles, T., Riepe, T.B., Hallas, J.M., Parchman, T.L., Feldman, C.R., Achatz, T.J., Tkach, V.V. and Cropanzano, J. (2021)The cost of travel: how dispersal ability limits local adaptation in host–parasite interactions.Journal of Evolutionary Biology34, 512-524.

Johnson, P.T.J., Calhoun, D.M., Riepe, T.B., McDevitt-Galles, T., and Koprivnikar, J. (2020). Community disassembly disease: realistic-but not randomized-biodiversity losses inhibit parasite transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B286, 20190260.

Moss, W.E., McDevitt‐Galles, T., Calhoun, D.M., andJohnson, P.T.J. (2020). Tracking the assembly of nested parasite communities: using β‐diversity to understand variation in parasite richness and composition over time and scale.Journal of Animal Ecology89, 1532-1542.

McDevitt-Galles, T., Moss, W.E., Calhoun, D.M., andJohnson, P.T.J. (2020). Phenological synchrony shapes pathology in host–parasite systems.Proceedings of the Royal Society B287, 20192597.


Kohl, Z.F.,Calhoun, D.M., Elmer, F., Peachey, R.B.J., Leslie, K.L., Tkach, V., Kinsella, J.M., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2019). Black-spot syndrome in Caribbean fishes linked to trematode parasite infection (Scaphanocephalus expansus).Coral Reefs.

Johnson, P.T.J.,Calhoun, D.M., Riepe, T.B., and Koprivnikar, J. (2019). Community disassembly and disease: realistic-- but not randomized-- biodiversity losses enchance parasite transmission.Proceedings of the Royal SocietyB:286.

Riepe, T.B., Calhoun, D.M., and Johnson, P.T.J.(2019). Comparision of direct and indirect technique for evaluating endoparasite infections in wild-caught newts (Taricha torosaandTaricha granulosa).Diseases of Aquatic Organisms134137-146.

Stutz, W.E.,Calhoun, D.M., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2019). Resistance and tolerance: a hierarchical framework to compare individual versus family-level host contributions in an experimental amphibian-trematode system.Experimental Parasitology199,80-91.

Calhoun, D.M., Leslie, K.L., Riepe, T.B., Achatz, T.J., McDevitt-Galles, T., Tkach, V.V., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2019). Patterns ofClinostomum marginatuminfection in fishes and amphibians: integration of field, genetic, and experimental approaches.Journal of Helminthology1-12.

Johnson, P.T.J.,Calhoun, D.M., Riepe, T.B., and Koprivnikar, J. (2019). Chance or choice? Understanding parasite selection and infectin in multi-host communites.International Journal of Parasitology49,407-415.


Johnson, S.K., Fitza, M.A., Lerner, D.A.,Calhoun, D.M., Chan, E.T. and Johnson, P.T.J. (2018). Risky business: linkingToxoplasma gondiiinfection and entrepreneurship behaviors across individuals and countries.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B285,20180822.

McDevitt-Galles, T.,Calhoun, D.M.,and Johnson, P.T.J. (2018). Parasite richness and abundance within aquatic macroinvertebrates: testing the role of host-and habitat-level factors.Ecosphere9, e02188.

Calhoun, D.M., McDevitt-Galles, T., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2018). Parasites of invasive freshwater fishes and the factors affecting their richness and abundance.Freshwater Science37, 134-146.


Tornabene, B.J., Blaustein, A.R., Briggs, C.J.,Calhoun, D.M.,Johnson, P.T.J., McDevitt-Galles, T., Rohr, J.R., and Hoverman, J.T. (2018).Assessing the influence of landscape and environmental factors on ranavirusepidemiology in a California amphibian assemblage.Freshwater Biology63, 639-651.

Johnson, P.T.J.,Calhoun, D.M., Stokes, A.N., Susbilla, C.B., McDevitt-Galles, T., Briggs, C., Hoverman, J.T., Tkach, V., and de Roode, J. (2018). Of poisons and parasites-the defensive role of tetrodotoxin against infections in newts.Journal of Animal Ecology87, 1192-1204.

Johnson, P.T.J., Stanton, D., Forshay, K., andCalhoun, D.M. (2018). Vertically challenged: how disease suppressesDaphniavertical migration behavior.Limnology and Oceanography63, 886-896.


Hannon, E.R.*,Calhoun, D.M.,Chadalawada, S.*, and Johnson, P.T.J. (2017). Circadian rhythms of trematode parasites: applying mixed models to test underlying patterns.Parasitology1-9.

Calhoun, D.M., Bucciarelli, G.M., Kats, L.B., Zimmer, R.K., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2017). Noxious newts and their natural enemies: experimental effects of tetrodotoxin exposure on trematode parasites and aquatic macroinvertebrates.Toxicon137, 120-127.

Koprivnikar, J., Riepe, T.B.,Calhoun, D.M., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2017). Whether larval amphibians school does not affect the parasite aggregation rule: testing the effects of host spatial heterogeneity in field and experimental studies.Oikos127, 99-110.


Calhoun, D.M., Woodhams, D., Howard, C.*, LaFonte, B.E.*, Gregory, J.R., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2016). Role of antimicrobial peptides in amphibian defense against trematode infection.EcoHealth13, 383-391.

McAllister, C.T., Bursey, C.R., andCalhoun, D.M.(2016). Commensal protista, cnidaria and helminth parasites of the Cajun chorus frog,Pseudacris fouquettei(Anura: Hylidae), from Oklahoma.Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences95.

Hannon, E.R.*, Kinsella, J.M.,Calhoun, D.M., Joseph, M.B., and Johnson, P.T.J. (2016). Endohelminths in bird hosts from Northern California and an analysis of the role of life history traits on parasite richness.Journal of Parasitology102, 199-207.


Calhoun, D.M., Schaffer, P.A., Gregory, J.R., Hardy, K.M.*, and Johnson, P.T.J. (2015). Experimental infections of bluegill with the trematodeRibeiroia ondatrae(Digenea: Cathaemasiidae): histopathology and hematological response.Journal of Aquatic Animal Health27, 185-191.


Calhoun, D.M., Curran, S.S., Pulis, E.E., Provaznik, J.M., and Franks, J.S. (2013).Hirudinella ventricosa(Pallas, 1774) Baird, 1853 represents a species complex based on ribosomal DNA and affinity of the genus in Hemiurata Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1954 base on lsrDNA.Systematic Parasitology86, 197-208.


Calhoun, D.M., and Dronen, N.O. (2012). A re-evaluation of specimens ofMesocoelium monas(Platyhelminthes: Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) form the National History Museum, UK and the United States National Parasite Collection, USA.Zootaxa3589, 1-29.

Dronen, N.O.,Calhoun, D.M., and Simcik, S.R. (2012).MesocoeliumOhdner, 1901 (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) revision of the family and re-evaluation of species composition in the genus.Zootaxa3387, 1-96.


Calhoun, D.M.(2011). A re-evaluation of the taxonomy ofMesocoelium monascomplex (Platyhelminthes: Digenea: Mesocoeliidae). Texas A&M University Masters thesis, 97 pp.


Calhoun, D.M.(2009). ABC’s of a CBC: An introduction to avian and mammalian complete blood count.Wildlife Rehabilitation26, 133-142.

*undergraduate authors