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Special Issue: Afterlives of the Californian Ideology

Apple Park aerial view by Arne Müseler / arne-mueseler.com / CC-BY-SA-3.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)

In the International Journal of Communication, MEDLab director Nathan Schneider co-edited a special issue with Andreas Hepp and Anne Schmitz of the University of Bremen. The issue revisits the landmark mid-1990s essay "The Californian Ideology" by Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron, a critique of the political economy then emerging in Silicon Valley, which has since spread across the world. The issue includes new research that reconsiders the concept of the Californian ideology in light of global experience since, as well as a retrospective interview with Richard Barbrook.

Apple Park aerial view by Arne Müseler / / ()

Andreas Hepp, Anne Schmitz, Nathan Schneider

Ann Brody, Tamara Kneese, Julie Frizzo-Barker

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Fredy Mora-Gámez, Sarah R. Davies

Andreas Hepp, Anne Schmitz

Danbi Yoo

James Miller

Nathan Schneider

Nathan Schneider

Photo: Apple Park aerial view, by Arne Müseler,