
New research project "Comprehensive Pliant Permissive Priority Optimization" funded by DOE

Jan. 13, 2019

Recently, our lab received a new funded project studying “Comprehensive Pliant Permissive Priority Optimization”. The project is funded by Department of Energy and it is a joint project with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The project goal is to develop a framework to prioritize behind-the-meter end-use...


Tom Sevilla successfully passed his doctoral thesis proposal

Jan. 13, 2019

On January 7, Tom Sevilla , a third-year PhD student of our group, passed his doctoral thesis defense at the University of Miami. His PhD research proposal is titled “Model-based Control of Distributed Energy Resources for Building-to-grid integrations”. Congratulations to Tom!


Department of CEAE News "Architectural Engineering Design Course Making an impact on Local Disadvantaged Community"

Jan. 11, 2019

Dr. Zuo's course AREN 4890/5890 Sustainable Building Design was featured in a news article by Department of CEAE: "Architectural Engineering Design Course Making an impact on Local Disadvantaged Community".


Dr. Sen Huang visited SBS lab and presented his work

Dec. 31, 2018

On December 21, Dr. Sen Huang, alumni of SBS lab, who is now a Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), visited our lab and gave a presentation. During the presentation, Dr. Huang introduced their work concerning building energy modeling and control at PNNL. Many PhD students of Architectural Engineering,...


Review paper accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety

Nov. 30, 2018

Our paper Literature Review on Modeling and Simulation of Energy Infrastructures from a Resilience Perspective led by PhD student Jing has been accepted by Reliability Engineering & System Safety. This is a recognition to her work by the resilience community. Congratulations to her and keep up! J. Wang , W...


Guest lecture by Dr. Angela Loder from WELL Building Institute

Nov. 28, 2018

On November 27, Dr. Angela Loder, Vice President of International WELL Building Institute, gave a guest lecture in Dr. Zuo's course AREN 5890 Sustainable Building Design. During the lecture, Dr. Loder introduced the Well Building Standard and how the standard aims to address human health and well-being. To learn more...


PhD students presented at 2018 SimClub event organized by IBPSA-Denver

Nov. 16, 2018

On Thursday, November 15, the annual event SimClub by IBPSA-Denver was held on CU campus. Graduate students from the ֲý-Boulder and the Colorado School of Mines gave short summaries of their current research projects. Five PhD students from our group presented their work titled: Equation-based Object-oriented Modeling and...


Professor Jeffrey Siegel visited SBS Lab

Oct. 24, 2018

Professor Jeffrey Siegel from the University of Toronto visited our lab and discussed potential research collaborations on October 24th. Professor Siegel is fellow of ASHRAE and a member of the Academy of Fellows of ISIAQ. His research interests including healthy and sustainable buildings, ventilation and indoor air quality in residential...


Dr. Zuo gave invited speech at “Panel of Current Research: Building Smart, Community-Based Decision-Making”

Oct. 19, 2018

Dr. Zuo was invited to speak at the “Panel of Current Research: Building Smart, Community-Based Decision-Making” at the Community Building Colorado-Style Conference in Boulder, CO, on October 19. Dr. Zuo gave a presentation titled “Novel Computational Framework for Optimal Planning of Smart, Sustainable, and Connected Communities” and discussed with the...


Dr. Zuo visited the headquarter of SOM in Chicago

Sept. 28, 2018

Dr. Zuo visited the headquarter of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (SOM) in Chicago, IL on September 28th. He also gave an invited talk to introduce our research in modeling of smart and resilient cities. SOM is one of the largest and most influential architecture, interior design, engineering, and urban...
