ࡱ>  Էbjbjrlrl =__;% LLLLL```8dT` RnP"uIlPPPPPPP$zT0WPLPLLQ%%%LLP%P%%G0;KLH.[ I$PQ0 RCIW !VWH;K;K(WLcL`%PPc#P RW X : Program Description Agreement, Externship Credit (LAWS 7939) Externship students and externship supervisors should complete this form collaboratively. Please email completed forms to  HYPERLINK "mailto:lawexternships@colorado.edu" lawexternships@colorado.edu. Late/Incomplete forms (forms without required signatures) cannot be accepted.  STUDENT INFORMATION Name:  FORMTEXT       ASK Name "Name (Last, First Middle)" \o \* MERGEFORMAT  Student ID Number:  FORMTEXT       ASK "Class Year" \* MERGEFORMAT  ASK Name? \* MERGEFORMAT  Class Year*:  FORMTEXT       *PLEASE NOTE: Law students who have completed at least two years of law school may appear in court pursuant toColorados Student Practice Act. Consult the Externship Website (HYPERLINK "/law/academics/experiential-learning/externships/students" \l "earning_academic_credit-1927"/law/academics/experiential-learning/externships/students - earning_academic_credit-1927 ) for more information. Phone Number:  FORMTEXT       Email Address:  FORMTEXT        SPONSORING ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Supervisor s Name:  FORMTEXT       Organization:  FORMTEXT       Street Address:  FORMTEXT       City, State, Zip:  FORMTEXT       Phone Number:  FORMTEXT       E-mail Address:  FORMTEXT       Attach Resume or Bio of Externship Supervisor  Please check this box if you have already completed an Externship?  FORMCHECKBOX  How many externships you already completed?  FORMTEXT    In which semesters?  FORMTEXT        FORMTEXT       How many Externship credits have you already earned in total?  FORMTEXT    In which semester are you now seeking to do an Externship?  FORMTEXT       How many externship credits are you currently applying for? (1 credit hour = 50 hours of work. Students can earn 2, 3, or 4 credits per externship in a single semester).  FORMTEXT    PLEASE NOTE: During the summer term externship tuition will be charged by the hour. Consult the Bursars Office ( HYPERLINK "/bursar/costs" /bursar/costs) to determine the per hour charge. Participation in a clinic during the same semester as an externship is discouraged for a number of reasons. Are you participating in a clinic during the same semester that you will participate in the Externship program? If so, which clinic?  FORMTEXT       Please note: If you are participating in a clinic during the same semester as an externship, you need to send the Externship Program Director written permission from the following people saying this is acceptable: Your Clinic Director Jennipher Jobe ( HYPERLINK "mailto:Jennipher.Jobe@colorado.edu" Jennipher.Jobe@colorado.edu), The Clinics Office Manager Your Externship Supervisor Please check this box if you are attempting to complete a Single-Semester 7-Credit Externship in Colorado, or a Single-Semester 10-Credit Externship at a National or International placement. Be sure to complete the Petition to Participate in a Single-Semester 7-Credit Externship in Colorado, or a Single-Semester 10-Credit Externship at a National or International Placement form.  FORMCHECKBOX  List the specific dates of the externship: Beginning:  FORMTEXT       End*:  FORMTEXT       *Students cannot begin earning externship hours until the first day of classes and need to be done with all externship hours by the last day of class. Specific work hours (days and times) to be completed:  FORMTEXT       In the gray box below, please write at least a one-half page detailed description of your externship program in the space below. Describe the work that you will be doing, including the substantive area of law, type of legal research, exposure to the practice of law (hearings, trials, depositions, etc), and professional skills that you intend to learn. Please also include a thorough account of the writing component of your externship and demonstrate its legal/academic rigor and accountability. When you turn in your completed application, you are welcome to supplement this written description with other documents that describe your program.  RULES & REQUIRMENTS OF AN EXTERNSHIP Law School Miscellaneous Rule 24 governs. Externs must have earned 30 hours of law school credit before beginning an externship. For an externship: students must (1) propose a work experience with a sponsor (or sponsoring organization); (2) the work may not be compensated (except for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses) and the private sponsor must agree that it will not charge any client, collect any fee, or otherwise derive any immediate advantage from the students work;(3) the extern must have a field supervisor who is a lawyer, professor or judge; and (4) obtain agreement. The Experiential Learning Director will review all externship documents after the documents are received. ֲý may not do more than one externship in any given semester. Credit for externships count towards the fourteen-credit cap on coursework outside of the law school and for courses and activities that do not involve a substantial classroom component. See Law School Misc. Rule 36B. Credit is on a pass/fail basis. Externs may obtain credit for one externship for two, three, or four hours of credits. A minimum of fifty hours of working time is required for each hour of credit. ֲý will receive a grade of Incomplete if all requirements are not satisfied by the end of the semester. Please keep in mind that only under extreme circumstances can a student change the number of credit hours for which he/she has enrolled after the drop/add date. Approval of a change in credit hours would be made by the director. Externs are required to attend the Externship Class during the semester at the law school with other students obtaining externship credits. The class meeting(s) will be scheduled in advance of the beginning of the term and the class schedule will be posted on the Externships Webpage. Participation is an externship class mandatory in order to obtain credit. There must be a substantial writing component in an extern program, and the application should address this requirement explicitly. Legal research that is reviewed and criticized is acceptable. Legal memoranda and briefs satisfy the requirement if they are a substantial part of the work and are reviewed. Interrogatories, pleadings, correspondence, and nonlegal memoranda are generally not sufficient. An alternative way to satisfy the requirement is to submit a reviewed research paper. Please send your completed Externship Program Agreement to the Program Director at  HYPERLINK "mailto:lawexternships@colorado.edu" lawexternships@colorado.edu along with a copy of the externship field supervisors CV/resume. Sponsors must be judges, licensed attorneys and/or professors of law. An externship that has been approved is a commitment to the extern sponsor. Fair Labor Standards Act Disclosure The U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hours Division fact sheet explains the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to externs who provide services to for-profit entities in the private sector. The Department notes that externships will most often be viewed as employment (and therefore subject to the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA), unless the following six factor test is met: The externship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment; The externship experience is for the benefit of the extern; The extern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff; The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the extern; and on occasion its operations may actually be impeded; The extern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the externship; and The employer and the extern understand that the extern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the externship. Please see  HYPERLINK "http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs71.pdf" http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs71.pdf for complete information.  AGREEMENT As the student, I acknowledge that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that I have completed 30 hours of law school credits or will have done so before this externship begins. I agree to participate in and the attend the Externship Seminar during the semester and I understand that my faculty supervisor will have an evaluation conference with my field supervisor at least once during the term to review my work and progress if I enroll in four or more credits or if deemed appropriate or necessary. As the supervisor, I agree that the sponsoring organization will not charge any client, collect any fee for the externs time, or otherwise derive any immediate advantage from the externs work. I confirm that I am a judge, lawyer and/or professor and that I am employed by or legally associated with the sponsoring organization. I agree to manage the students legal work, provide feedback to the student throughout the course of the semester, and meet with them to enhance the learning experience of the workplace. As the supervisor, I agree to ensure that the externship is of substantial educational value. The externship must involve a substantial writing component and provide instruction in professional skills and substantive law. We understand that the externship is of a fixed duration, is not a guarantee of future employment, is structured around an academic experience and will provide skills that can be used in multiple employment settings. We agree (1) that the externship, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the sponsoring organization, is similar to training which would be given in an educational environment; (2) that the externship experience is for the benefit of the extern; (3) that the extern does not displace regular employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff and the extern will not displace any regular employees at the organization and that the supervisor will not take on an extern or externs to avoid hiring an employee or employees; (4) that the sponsoring organization will derive no immediate advantage from the activities of the extern; and on occasion operations may actually be impeded; (5) that the extern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the externship and (6) that the extern is not entitled to wages for the time spent in the externship. We understand that the supervisor also must supervise the students in full compliance with Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, in particular, Rule 5.3 requiring supervision of non-lawyer assistants, a lawyer having direct supervisory authority over the nonlawyer shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the persons conduct is compatible with the professional obligations of the lawyer. Professional Liability Coverage for non-governmental Sponsoring Organizations: If the extern or the supervising lawyer is engaged in the practice of law as it pertains to the externship, the sponsor must carry professional liability coverage that includes the student and any work they may perform during the externship. This paragraph applies only to non-governmental sponsoring organizations. Signatures By dating and typing my name below, I agree that this serves as my electronic signature. Name of Extern Applicant:  FORMTEXT       Date:  FORMTEXT       SIGNATURE of Externship Supervisor:  FORMTEXT       Date:  FORMTEXT       I agree to serve as the faculty supervisor for the aforestated externship: ____________ Experiential Learning Program Director Date Externship Agency: COVID-19 ASSESSMENT PART A: Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Externship Agency/Court: _____________________________________________________________ Externship Supervisor Name: __________________________________________________________ EXTERNSHIP FORMAT (put a %)12;<=>IJQVW^`klmtлЦǑлwnnnnbnh9|hZOCJ\aJhZOCJ\aJjhZOCJU\aJh9|h]+DCJ\aJh9|h@ CJ\aJhXWCJ\aJhTCJ\aJh9|hZCJ\aJh9|h,CJ\aJh@ CJ\aJh>CJ\aJh9|h3%6CJ\aJh"=5CJ\aJh9|h3%5CJ\aJ&=> Y Z \ p q ^ ` X^gdaS 7$8$H$gdaS 7$8$H$gd@E 7$8$H$gd) $7$8$H$a$gd@ $7$8$H$a$gd@E $7$8$H$a$gd3%       " # / 0 4 9 < B C D E K L O X Y Z [ \ o ȿwk_h9|hl5CJaJh9|h)5CJaJ+jhZOh/5CJUaJmHnHuh9|h: 6CJ\aJhXWh;5CJaJhXWh>5CJaJhXWhSA5CJaJhUiCJ\aJh>CJ\aJh@ CJ\aJh#hZO0JCJ\aJjhZOCJU\aJhZOCJ\aJ"o p q u v w x y      ǼuuuuudXdLAh9|hCJaJh9|h&5CJaJh9|h45CJaJ jh9|h45CJUaJ+jh9|hnTk5CJUaJmHnHu&jh9|hjr5CJUaJh9|hnTk5CJaJ jh9|hnTk5CJUaJh9|hOCJaJh9|hvDCJaJh9|hCJaJh9|h&CJaJh9|hlCJaJh9|h@E5CJaJ  " Z \ ^ ` b n t v x z | ̸آؑ|ttii]iiQh9|haS5CJaJhaShaSCJH*aJh9|haSCJaJhaSCJaJh@E5CJaJh9|h&5CJaJ jh9|h&5CJUaJ+jh9|h0 5CJUaJmHnHu&j8h9|h0 5CJUaJh9|h0 5CJaJ jh9|h0 5CJUaJh9|h!j5CJaJh9|h!jCJaJ| ~  " B C K L d ﹹ㮠||a||NNN%haShaSCJaJeh@r@4haShaS5B*CJ\aJfHphq .haShaSB*CJaJfHphq haShaSCJ]aJhaShaSCJH*]aJh9|haSCJaJ+jh9|haS5CJUaJmHnHu&jh9|haS5CJUaJh9|haS5CJaJ jh9|haS5CJUaJd o p }    v w x z { 򨝒|q`Th9|hnTk5CJaJ jh9|hnTk5CJUaJh9|hvDCJaJh9|hCJaJh9|h@ECJaJh9|h)CJaJh9|haSCJaJhaShp1CJaJhaS0J6CJ]aJ)j$haShaS6CJU]aJhaS6CJ]aJ#jhaShaS6CJU]aJhaShaS6CJ]aJ   *,.02FHJLNPRTVXZ۹vjVۘ&jh9|hjr5CJUaJh9|hnTk5CJaJh9|hvD5CJaJh9|hvDCJaJh9|hCJaJh9|h@ECJaJh9|h)CJaJh9|hp1CJaJh9|h@E5CJaJ+jh9|hnTk5CJUaJmHnHu jh9|hnTk5CJUaJ&jh9|hjr5CJUaJXZ^`@B hjxz & F 7$8$H$gdn $7$8$H$a$gdXW 7$8$H$gd 7$8$H$gdp1 7$8$H$gd@EZ\^`.ƺkUUUUU+jh9|hnTk5CJUaJmHnHu&j=h9|hjr5CJUaJh9|hnTk5CJaJ jh9|hnTk5CJUaJh>CJaJh9|hOCJaJh9|hCJaJh9|h5CJaJh9|hM 5CJaJh9|hp1CJaJh9|hp15CJaJ+j{hZOh/5CJUaJmHnHu.02468:<>@BTbdxz|~ ۺۮۺۮۺۮr&j h9|hjr5CJUaJ&jh9|hjr5CJUaJ&j)h9|hjr5CJUaJh9|hnTk5CJaJh9|hCJaJ+jh9|hnTk5CJUaJmHnHu jh9|hnTk5CJUaJ&jh9|hjr5CJUaJ, @BJVXZ\^`bdfhjxء͒u_+j h)h/5CJUaJmHnHuhXWh5CJ\aJ *hXWhw^5CJ\aJ *hXWh5CJ\aJh9|h5CJaJ&j h9|hjr5CJUaJh9|hnTk5CJaJh9|hCJaJ jh9|hnTk5CJUaJ+jh9|hnTk5CJUaJmHnHu <NPTVbrtvxzųШymYy&j7 h9|hFz5CJUaJh9|hFz5CJaJ jh9|hFz5CJUaJh9|h;CJaJh>CJaJh9|hN#CJaJh9|h@ECJaJ#j h9|h tCJUaJh9|hCJaJjh9|hCJUaJh9|hCJaJh9|hOCJaJh9|hvDCJaJ  "$&:<>@BDFHJLRThjlnprtvx·«؟؟k&j h9|hFz5CJUaJh9|hN#5CJaJ&j h9|hFz5CJUaJh9|hFz5CJaJh9|h!j5CJaJh9|h!jCJaJh9|hvDCJaJh9|hN#CJaJ jh9|hFz5CJUaJ+jh9|hFz5CJUaJmHnHu%zz8n & F 7$8$H$gdE & F 7$8$H$gd U & F 7$8$H$gdE 7$8$H$gdn & F 7$8$H$gdmj & F 7$8$H$gdFz 7$8$H$gdEN & F 7$8$H$gdn 7$8$H$`gd; & F7$8$H$gdnxz|Ķ讞zi]Ii&ju h9|hFz5CJUaJh9|hFz5CJaJ jh9|hFz5CJUaJh9|hCJaJh>hXZ5CJ\aJh9|hXZCJaJhSACJaJh>CJaJhiCJaJhihi5CJ\aJhih@E5CJ\aJhi5CJ\aJh9|h@ECJaJh9|hvDCJaJh9|hvD5CJaJ$`|xlXxBBBBBx+jh9|h0 5CJUaJmHnHu&j h9|hFz5CJUaJh9|h0 5CJaJ jh9|h0 5CJUaJh9|h!jCJaJh9|hCJaJh9|hOCJaJh9|h@ECJaJh9|hvDCJaJh9|h;5CJaJh9|h@E5CJaJ jh9|hFz5CJUaJ+jh9|hFz5CJUaJmHnHu,248Zz|~wlhnhCJaJhnhCJaJhnh@ECJaJhnhd8CJaJhnCJaJh9|hd8CJaJh9|h@ECJaJh9|h[=CJaJhEh[=5CJ\aJhi5CJ\aJhEh@E5CJ\aJh9|h;CJaJh9|hn5CJaJ#,.02468RT ,8@ABCﹹﭡynnnnnn_nnnnnQQQnn_hh6CJ]aJjh6CJU]aJh6CJ]aJh9|hN#6CJ]aJh9|h6CJ]aJh9|hN#CJ]aJh9|hCJ]aJhXWh;5CJaJ+jh9|hFz5CJUaJmHnHu&jIh9|hFz5CJUaJh9|hFz5CJaJ jh9|hFz5CJUaJChik{)45=COUVWiyz~Ⱥrffh9|hn5CJaJ jh9|hn5CJUaJhFzCJaJ hXWhn56CJ\]aJhXWhn5CJ\aJhiCJaJhnCJaJhnhn6CJ]aJh9|h6CJ]aJh6CJ]aJjh6CJU]aJhh0J6CJ]aJ"  (*HLj(*NPZbۺh UCJ\aJhECJ\aJh UhECJ\aJhEhECJaJh>5CJaJhE5CJaJhEhnCJaJ+jh9|hn5CJUaJmHnHu jh9|hn5CJUaJ&jh9|hn5CJUaJ-1234OPQSWijmns| -01HIJP]bcs|6ûjh9|hN#CJUaJh9|hd8CJaJh9|hN#CJaJhnCJaJh>hECJ\aJh-h U0JCJ\aJh Uh UCJ\aJh UCJ\aJjh UCJU\aJ6<> 8:!!!!!""""% 7$8$H$gd@E 7$8$H$gd & F 7$8$H$gdT 87$8$H$^8gdmj & F 7$8$H$gdmj 7$8$H$gdEN & F 7$8$H$gdn h7$8$H$^hgdn68:<>blnȺȩsssssk_K&jhnhnTk56CJU]aJh9|hEN5CJaJhmjCJaJ+jh9|hnTk5CJUaJmHnHu&jh9|hjr5CJUaJh9|hnTk5CJaJ jh9|hnTk5CJUaJhXWhEN5CJ\aJh9|hENCJaJh9|hN#CJaJjh9|hN#CJUaJ#j)h9|h.sCJUaJ  06:d~4ŬŝymyyyyyaaayymmmmmmUhXWhn5CJaJhXWh>5CJaJhXWhnCJ\aJhXWh>CJ\aJhmj6CJ\]aJhmjhmj5CJaJhnhn56CJ]aJ1jhnhnTk56CJU]aJmHnHu&jhnhnTk56CJU]aJ,jhnhjr56CJU]aJhnhnTk56CJ]aJ468:TF  I P c !!п}rrrjrrrrrrrrr^^^^^h9|h5CJaJhnCJaJh9|hCJaJhThT5CJaJ+jh9|hT5CJUaJmHnHu&jh9|hT5CJUaJh9|hT5CJaJ jh9|hT5CJUaJh9|hTCJaJhT6CJ\]aJhEN6CJ\]aJhXWhFzCJ\aJ$!!G!N!\!`!!!!!!!!!""")"4"<"M"""""""""íߊtii[i[Ph9|hWCJaJh9|h@E6CJ]aJh9|h_CJaJh9|hUCJaJh9|h6CJaJh9|h@ECJaJh9|h65CJaJh9|h>5CJaJ+jh)h/5CJUaJmHnHuh9|h5CJ]aJh9|h@E5CJ]aJh9|hCJaJh9|h5CJaJhn5CJaJ""""""""""""""#4#D#g#i#######$$4$;$F$O$Z$l$$$$$$$$$$$%%%%$%p%Ծ곳ԨԒ|h9|h _CJaJh9|h;CJaJh9|hR5nCJaJh9|hh%CJaJh9|hbCJaJh9|hvDCJaJh9|hBCJaJh9|h5CJaJh9|h@ECJaJh9|hCJaJh9|hWCJaJh9|hNCJaJ0%%2'3'(())k+l+,, - 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YES or NO (select one). If, at any time during the semester, a student is uncomfortable or becomes unable to physically go into the externship office, and assuming the agency remains open for in-person externship students, will you permit the student to continue his/her/their externship remotely? YES or NO (select one). If your agency is forced to completely close, and assuming all employees will continue to work remotely, will you permit the student to continue his/her/their externship remotely? YES or NO (select one). Which of the following your agency participating in/requiring (put a ' next to all that apply): Employees, visitors, and students must wear a mask when unable to maintain social distance Employees, visitors, and students will be required complete a health screening upon entering/re-entering the building All spaces in the building will be cleaned/sanitized frequently (at least once per day) The building has increased ventilation and access to fresh air COVID-19 educational/instructional signage is posted throughout the building Externship students will have a dedicated workspace that is at least 6 feet away from other people Externship students will have access to cleaning/disinfectant wipes for high touch surfaces Externship students will have access to hand sanitizer and/or a hand washing station Externship students will receive training on best practices for reducing the spread of COVID-19 Externship students (and employees) will be encouraged to stay home if not feeling well Please list any additional precautions that your office is taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 _________________________________________________________________________________ If student is working a mix of in-person and remote, please specify the days or activities for in-person work and days or activities for remote work ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Supervisor E-Signature (please print): ____________________________________ Date: ______________ Thank you for completing this form, which will help ensure the well-being of our law students. Please email  HYPERLINK "mailto:lawexternships@colorado.edu" lawexternships@colorado.edu with any questions.     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