Published: April 11, 2022

View of the Gemmill Library book dropUniversity Libraries users may now and return books to a new book drop located outside the library.Ìý

Access to Gemmill’s collection was temporarily suspended after the library’s main and lower levels experienced flooding due to a burst pipe the week before the start of the spring semester which damaged part of the collection.Ìý

Since then, we have engaged in significant flood recovery and preservation efforts on the lower level and the collection has now reached a point where libraries staff are able to retrieve undamaged materials.Ìý

A small portion of materials from Gemmill’s collection are still undergoing preservation treatment and are marked unavailable for check out. We encourage anyone needing these materials to use OneSearch to find an e-book format or locate items through Prospector and InterLibrary Loan services and borrow items from our library partners.

A new Gemmill Library drive-up book drop was also recently installed between the Benson building parking lot and the Math Building, replacing an older one in a different location. The new location is ADA accessible and users may park temporarily in the lot next to the book drop to return their materials. The book drop is checked every day Gemmill Library is open.

Users may also drop off books inside of the library at an interior book return or directly to the service desk.
