Faculty member Stephanie Bonjack reads to her young son in the CYAC section of Norlin.

Stories & Maps at Norlin for Bring Your Child to Work Day

April 22, 2019

Assistant Professor Stephanie Bonjack reads to her young son in the CYAC section of Norlin. Keeping with the 2019 Earth Day theme of ¡°Protect Our Species,¡± families are invited to visit Norlin Library on Bring Your Child to Work Day for a read-aloud and to explore wildlife through maps and...

There is an entire bulletin board dedicated to objects found in library materials.

Weird Things We've Found In Books

April 22, 2019

There are plenty of reasons to love an old book, including the found forgotten objects that have held a reader¡¯s spot, or that were tucked away for safekeeping, meant to be retrieved before the book was returned to the library, but often forgotten. These items are rediscovered by the University...

Hillary Morgan from CU Boulder Preservation

Happy Preservation Week!

April 22, 2019

What is Preservation Week? Memories and treasures should last beyond our lifetime and be passed on for other generations to learn from and enjoy. Preservation Week is an opportunity to inspire the preservation of collections. Also, the week-long campaign aims to raise awareness of the role libraries play in providing...

Cover of CU Boulder's student newspaper, the Silver and Gold, from 1892

Historical CU Boulder Newspapers Digitized for CHNC

April 5, 2019

Two of the ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Boulder¡¯s historic university newspapers have been digitized by the Colorado State Library. ¡°El Diario de la Gente¡± and early issues of ¡°Silver and Gold¡± are available online from the Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection (CHNC). ¡°We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to collaborate...

Government Publications kept at Norlin Library.

CU Boulder Libraries Hub For GoPIG

March 28, 2019

As the first Preservation Steward library in the nation and the longtime steward of government documents and the state¡¯s Regional Depository for governmental documents, the ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Boulder Libraries serves as the glue that keeps government information libraries together. The Government Publications Interest Group (GoPIG) is a well-established, long-time...

SCAP has materials from its special collections for students to examine.

SCAP Collaborations Promote Object-based Learning

March 27, 2019

The Special Collections, Archives & Preservation (SCAP) Department at the University Libraries is passionate about sharing its collections. SCAP actively looks for opportunities to collaborate with students, faculty, campus museums, and the community. ¡°Cross-pollination between SCAP and the CU Art Museum, the CU Museum of Natural History, and other entities...

Wu Ying-mei (…ÇÓ¢ÃÀ), Deputy Director General of Taiwan's National Central Library with Dean of CU Boulder Libraries Robert McDonald.

Taiwan's National Central Library Donates Books to CU Boulder Libraries

March 22, 2019

Wu Ying-mei (…ÇÓ¢ÃÀ), Deputy Director General of Taiwan's National Central Library with Dean of CU Boulder Libraries Robert McDonald. At the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) annual conference in Denver on Friday, ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Boulder Libraries accepted a sizable donation from the Center for Chinese Studies of Taiwan¡¯s National...

Members of CEAL look through the University Libraries' Asian Studies collection.

University Libraries Hosts CEAL Annual Meeting

March 21, 2019

Over 100 members of the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL) came to the ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Boulder Libraries as part of a pre-conference for their annual meeting on Tuesday. CEAL and the Association of Asian Studies (AAS) attended a series of workshops that primed participants for the days ahead...

A guide to Oddy tests hangs on the wall of a LOC wall.

LOC Project With University Libraries Kicks Off

March 15, 2019

The ÀÖ²¥´«Ã½ Boulder Libraries are participating in a grant program through the Library of Congress (LOC) that is bringing together five academic libraries to compare the physical condition of similar books retained and preserved at institutions across the country. A guide to Oddy testing hangs on the wall...

Leones Glacier, Ays¨¦n, Chile, December 1, 2011, Photograph by Christoph Strassler.

Glacier Photograph Collection Now Available Online

March 7, 2019

After two years, a dedicated group of University Libraries faculty, staff, and students partnered with the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) to digitize approximately 9,000 glacial photos from the Roger G. Barry Archives with help from grant funding. This collection which originally lived at NSIDC is critical to...
